We want to thank you, our wonderful readers, for a great 2023! Our authors bring you reviews of their favorite curriculum each month. We bring you reviews of the curriculum we use and love in our homeschools! Here are the top reviews for each subject. Those you read and shared the most!

Curriculum Choice Top Posts of 2023
Listed by subject, we have collected the most popular posts of 2023 here at The Curriculum Choice. Along with the most popular post in each subject, we have included our Ultimate Guides for each subject so you can see all the awesome content we have here by subject! Be sure to read them if you missed them and pin them to save.
Language Arts
Your favorite homeschool curriculum review for Language Arts is… A Look at Rod & Staff English
“While I love a fun, colorful program as much as the next homeschool mom, sometimes I want something straightforward and comprehensive – especially when it comes to something like grammar. That’s why I chose the Rod & Staff English series for my daughter. It may not be colorful and flashy but it’s thorough and easy for this busy homeschool mom.”
More favorite Language Arts homeschool curriculum reviews:
- Happy Scribe Copybooks
- Five in a Row Review
- Reading Made Easy: A Full Homeschool Curriculum
- Explode the Code Review
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum – Looking for a Homeschool Language Arts curriculum that suits your family’s needs? Need just a spelling or writing program? This list is sure to have what you are looking for! This list contains full homeschool language arts curricula, as well as resources for reading/literature, writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting.
Your favorite homeschool curriculum review for Math is… Mastery Online Math Curriculum for Homeschool
“When it comes to math curriculum, one of the big things to understand is the difference between a spiral approach and a mastery approach. In this article we will talk about the differences and then specifically talk about mastery online math curriculum.
The mastery approach is also called sequential or skills-based learning. This approach to math seeks to build a complete set of knowledge on a topic, and then build upon those foundational blocks. Students are introduced to specific topics one at a time. Then they learn about the new concept in many different ways. With this approach the student must fully understand a concept before moving on.”
More favorite Math homeschool curriculum reviews:
- Timez Attack Multiplication and More by Big Brainz
- XtraMath: Free Math Facts Practice For Kids
- Mathematics Their Way – An Activity-Centered Mathematics Program
- JUMP Math – Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigies
The Very Best Options for Homeschool Math – If you are like me, when it comes to homeschool math, especially in the older years, I want more help from the curriculum I choose so I can teach less! This is a collection of math resources, everything from full curriculum, to advice from other homeschool parents, and even supplemental resources that will help you find the right homeschool math curriculum for your family!
Your favorite homeschool curriculum review for Science is…Mr. Qs Classic Science
“Mr. Q’s Classic Science is an affordable, non-religious, classically based science curriculum. Each curriculum covers a full year of science, broken down into 36 weeks.
There are two different levels offered: An Elementary Level for ages 7-12 and an Advanced Level for high school aged students.”
More favorite Science homeschool curriculum reviews:
- Science in a Nutshell – Kits for Homeschool Science
- The Mystery of the Periodic Table by Benjamin D. Wiker
- Friendly Biology Homeschool Science
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Science – Come take a look at all the fun and engaging resources we have as homeschoolers for science.
Hands-on, textbook, full curriculum, unit study, secular, faith based, online, independent, teacher led, you name it, we’ve included something for it!
Your favorite homeschool curriculum review for History is… A Pioneer Sampler Review
“A Pioneer Sampler is the story of the Robertson Family. They are a pioneer family living on a backwoods farm in 1840. This book is an account of their life throughout the year. After a hard winter, spring comes, and with it, maple sugaring, school days, planting crops and shearing sheep.
This beautiful book is filled with hands-on activities for your children to do, just the type of things that the Robertson family did in their daily life. Your children will learn about Pioneer measuring, you might find your children playing traditional games outside after reading this book. What about growing their own potato plant? This was an important part of the Pioneer’s livelihood! Inside these pages you will get to make your own butter and cheese, learn about carding and spinning, and then perhaps get to try your own hand at finger spinning!”
More favorite History homeschool curriculum reviews:
- A World of Adventure
- Review: The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History
- Homeschool History Review: Home School in the Woods Time Travelers
The Ultimate Guide to History Curriculum for Homeschool – Are you looking for just the right history curriculum for homeschool? This is a list with LOTS of possibilities! Full curriculum, supplements, book lists, geography and more!
Art and Music
Your favorite homeschool curriculum review for Art and Music is… Art with a Purpose
“Art With a Purpose is an easy-to-teach curriculum that covers everything from coloring and pasting in the younger grades to lettering, color combining, perspective, and pen and ink drawings in the older grades. It does not, however, teach art history or appreciation at all.
Each year’s Artpac contains 36 simple, step-by-step art lessons. Materials are usually simple to obtain. Using this curriculum, moms have little teaching to do in the younger grades and even less as the children get older because the instructions are clear and easy to follow.”
More favorite Art and Music homeschool curriculum reviews:
- Mapping the World with Art
- A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels Art Curriculum Review
- Making Music Praying Twice
More Ultimate Guides
The Ultimate Guide to Foreign Language Curriculum in Your Homeschool – Here at The Curriculum Choice we have many foreign language curriculum reviews to help make your decisions easy. How to choose a foreign language course for your homeschool? What will work best with a certain homeschool method? Our authors have shared what they love, what works best for their students and examples of how each program works!
Homeschool Electives: Top Curriculum Reviews – Electives can cover such a wide range of topics in homeschool. And electives are often where our students find the most joy – plus develop unique talents and interests. Especially in high school, electives become an important part of the homeschool curriculum. Here you will find a collection of homeschool reviews for electives.
The Incredible Index of Homeschool Curriculum Options – If ever there was something you wanted to know about homeschool curriculum options, you can probably find it here!
Here at The Curriculum Choice we strive to share with you all our collective knowledge from our many years of experience. In particular, we share with you all the homeschool curriculum options we have used throughout the years.
All our authors, both past and present, have come from different backgrounds, different states and countries, and have utilized a wide range of homeschool methods. What they all have in common is homeschooling! We hope all our years of insight and experience will help you in your unique homeschooling journey. ~ Heidi Ciravola, Managing Editor
Happy New Year! Be sure to subscribe to The Curriculum Choice so you won’t miss any future homeschool reviews.
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