A collection of your favorite homeschool curriculum reviews, including ALL our Ultimate Guides by subject, to help you make informed curriculum choices!
History & Geography
Homeschool History Review: Home School in the Woods Time Travelers
Home School in the Woods Time Travelers History Studies are hands-on unit studies for U.S. History from New World Explorers to World War II
A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks Review
No matter what you are studying, or what your child is interested in A Journey Through Learning has Lapbooks to enrich their learning!
GEO Puzzles for Homeschool Geography Fun
Using GEO Puzzles for homeschool geography fun! Check out these 6 geography puzzles to help your kids learn their world and US geography.
Stack the States Homeschool Geography App Review
The Stack the States Homeschool Geography App is a fun way to learn all about the 50 States, their shapes, flags, capitals and more!
Current Events for Kids: The Juice News
Wondering how to engage current events with your kids? Looking for an unbiased resource? Let me introduce you to The Juice!
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices
This Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices includes everything from full curriculum options to hands-on activities, wonderful living books, great apps and more!
The Story of the World: Homeschooling History
I’d like to introduce you to one of my all-time favorite curriculum choices for homeschool history…The Story of the World…
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The Best Geography Games For Learning In Your Homeschool
This is a selection of Homeschool Geography Games that are a fun, hands-on way to learn about the United States of America & World Geography.
Supplemental Homeschool Lessons with Elephango
Elephango: Supplemental Homeschool Lessons for grades preK-12. Online lessons in a variety of subjects & easily searchable by multiple topics
The Best Social Studies Curriculum Reviews for Your Homeschool
A collection of reviews of the Best Social Studies Curriculum for Your Homeschool. Includes history, geography, psychology, philosophy, and economics.
Why My Father’s World is my Favorite Homeschool Curriculum
Why is My Father’s World is my favorite curriculum? It is a boxed curriculum with an easy to use Teacher’s Manual and open and go format.