Enjoy screen free, fun, frugal family nights with ideas from More Than A Movie: 50 Ideas for Fun and Frugal Family Nights!
updated by Heidi C
Handwriting Without Tears: Hands-On Materials
Handwriting Without Tears Hands-on Materials are great for tactile and visual learners to begin forming letters and numbers.
NEW! Homeschool Nature Study Membership
Check out the NEW Homeschool Nature Study website and membership! Where the Handbook of Nature Study is brought to life!
NaturExplorers Nature Unit Studies
NaturExplorers Nature Unit Studies include tons of information on the subject it’s based on, but also includes ideas of how to incorporate many different areas of your homeschool right into nature study. A review from The Curriculum Choice.
NaturExplorers from Our Journey Westward
NaturExplorers from Our Journey Westward are unit studies that will give you encouragement and ideas for getting outside with your children. With 19 to choose from there is sure to be something your kids will love learning about! A review from The Curriculum Choice.
Homeschool High School Transcripts Made Easy
Transcripts Made Easy shows you how to grade, grant credit, create simple, effective homeschool transcripts and high school diplomas, and keep simple records.
The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading
The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading is a simple and effective phonics program for teaching kids to read without them having to write.
Apologia Elementary Science
Apologia Elementary Science is a creation based, Charlotte Mason style science curriculum for kids in grades K-6. There are 7 topics to choose from as well as two levels of corresponding notebooking journals. A review from The Curriculum Choice
Walk At Home Homeschool PE
Walk at Home Homeschool PE is an easy way to get your daily workout in or to get that PE credit and it’s cheaper than a gym membership!
In the Hands of a Child Grammar Lapbook
The Hands of a Child Grammar Lapbook is a fun, hands on way for kids in grades 3-6 to gain a firm grasp of English Grammar.
NaturExplorers : Coping with the Cold
It’s the perfect time of year to take on a winter themed nature study such as Coping with the Cold, a NaturExplorers unit study. Use the winter months to get outside and learn about migration, hibernation, and adaptation.
High School Prep Genius – like a personal guidance counselor for homeschool!
High School Prep Genius teaches how to turn a student’s high school career into a springboard for lifelong success! Like a personal guidance counselor!