Unschooling is different from the other homeschool methods because it is child led learning through life and their natural curiosities. In this article we will talk about: what exactly unschooling is, answer the question of its legality, and offer resources for helping you to create an unschooling life for your family.
The Best Homeschool Valentine’s Day Ideas
The Best Homeschool Valentine’s Day Ideas – crafts, games, books, recipes, hands-on activities, FREE Printables and more!
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Curriculum Review
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Curriculum offers art and music appreciation plans for grades K-12. Minimal prep plans for your fine arts needs!
Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year
Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year! Make learning fun by using monthly themed homeschool activities. Learn and explore based on the seasons, celebrate silly holidays, and more!
Handwriting Without Tears: Hands-On Materials
Handwriting Without Tears Hands-on Materials are great for tactile and visual learners to begin forming letters and numbers.
NEW! Homeschool Nature Study Membership
Check out the NEW Homeschool Nature Study website and membership! Where the Handbook of Nature Study is brought to life!
NaturExplorers from Our Journey Westward
NaturExplorers from Our Journey Westward are unit studies that will give you encouragement and ideas for getting outside with your children. With 19 to choose from there is sure to be something your kids will love learning about! A review from The Curriculum Choice.
NaturExplorers : Coping with the Cold
It’s the perfect time of year to take on a winter themed nature study such as Coping with the Cold, a NaturExplorers unit study. Use the winter months to get outside and learn about migration, hibernation, and adaptation.
The Montessori Homeschool
The Montessori Homeschool helps children learn problem-solving, patience, self-discipline, and practical life skills in a relaxed, parent guided environment. A guide from The Curriculum Choice
Constant Conifers – NaturExplorers Review
NaturExplorers Constant Conifers – 30+ nature walks; learn about all parts of conifers including cones, leaves, branches, sap and more
The Veterans Day Homeschool
This is a collection of resources (online, printable, books and more) to help children understand the significance of Veterans Day and the importance of those who have fought and died for America, as well as those who currently serve to protect our nation.
Have you heard about Eeboo?
Eeboo offers safe simple gifts and toys to play and share with your children. Puzzles, toys, educational games and more to inspire creativity. A review from The Curriculum Choice