Homeschool unit studies can be the perfect curriculum option. This is a giant list of unit study curriculum reviews, instructions and links to more!
High School
The Story Of…An Introduction To The Classics – Music Appreciation for Homeschoolers
The Story Of…An Introduction to the Classics are music CDs with simple biographies and information about the music that allow you to easily incorporate music appreciation into your homeschool.
Classical Music Start-Up Kit for Homeschool
Classical Music Start-Up Kit Vol I & II offer a simple introduction to classical music with listening CDs and accompanying instruction manuals.
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Plans for Homeschool Art and Music Appreciation
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Plans for Art & Music Appreciation are grade level (1-12), simple to use, Charlotte Mason style plans for teaching art and music in your homeschool.
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Curriculum Review
You ARE An ARTiST Fine Arts Curriculum offers art and music appreciation plans for grades K-12. Minimal prep plans for your fine arts needs!
Homeschool Art and Music Curriculum For Busy Families
The Homeschool Art and Music Curriculum from You ARE An ARTiST organized art and music appreciation using a variety of resources so you can simply open the schedule and with little preparation you are off and learning!
The Best Homeschool Nature Study Resources (2022)
The Best Homeschool Nature Study Resources is a collection of unit studies, full curriculum and reference books for homeschool nature study.
Homeschooling With Unit Studies: Everything You Need To Get Started
Homeschooling with Unit Studies is a homeschool method in which instead of using a linear curriculum you spend more focus time on one topic at a time, incorporating as many subjects within the unit as possible. For instance you might do an entire unit on Medieval Times, or Zoo Animals. This is a collection of Unit Study resources to get you going!
Beautiful Feet Books Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
An overview of Beautiful Feet Literature Based History Curriculum with reviews of various Beautiful Feet homeschool curriculum options.
Snow and Ice Nature Study Review
This Snow and Ice Nature Study from NaturExplorers is a nature unit study exploring snow, ice and frost with loads of activities and projects.
Homeschool Science and Nature Resources from Curriculum Choice Review Authors
Science and Nature Resources from Curriculum Choice Review Authors – a huge list compiled by veteran homeschoolers.
Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year
Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year! Make learning fun by using monthly themed homeschool activities. Learn and explore based on the seasons, celebrate silly holidays, and more!