Human Anatomy Resources for Homeschool Science. Books, art, hands-on projects and more for learning about the human body systems.
50 Awesome Activities for Kids with ADHD
50 Awesome Activities for Kids with ADHD. Using their strengths, these activities help us help our kids be successful and happy learners.
GEO Puzzles for Homeschool Geography Fun
Using GEO Puzzles for homeschool geography fun! Check out these 6 geography puzzles to help your kids learn their world and US geography.
Homeschool Electives: Top Curriculum Reviews
An ultimate list of homeschool curriculum reviews for electives – from art and music to logic and government and more!
Stack the States Homeschool Geography App Review
The Stack the States Homeschool Geography App is a fun way to learn all about the 50 States, their shapes, flags, capitals and more!
The Digital Homeschool – Tech Savvy Tips & Online Classes
The Digital Homeschool – Tech Savvy Tips & Online Classes, There are a growing number of companies that provide diverse online educational opportunities for students around the world. Let’s explore the diverse opportunities available and see how tech savvy homeschoolers are creating their own path.
Current Events for Kids: The Juice News
Wondering how to engage current events with your kids? Looking for an unbiased resource? Let me introduce you to The Juice!
A Child’s Book of Character Building, Volume 1
With A Child’s Book of Character Building, through simple explanations and interesting storytelling, your child (ages 3-7) will discover and learn the basic building blocks of Christlike character.
Pumpkin Books to Celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving
Pumpkin Books to Celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving is a collection of pumpkin books containing everything from spooky to recipe books!
Sign Language Flash Cards For Your Homeschool
105 colorfully illustrated Sign Language Flash Cards that teach the signs for numbers, and letters plus some very basic common words.
Prima Latina For Elementary Latin In Your Homeschool
Prima Latina from Memoria Press is an elementary Latin curriculum for grades 1-4 that combines text, audio, and video learning.
30 Bible and Character Training Homeschool Resources
Bible and Character Training Resources and Curriculum options from the authors at The Curriculum Choice.