A collection of foreign language curriculum reviews for homeschool from Latin to Spanish to French, sign language and more.
updated by Heidi C
Elementary Horizons Math Review
Horizons Math from Alpha & Omega offers a spiral approach to math with their elementary math curriculum options.
Technology in the Homeschool by Curriculum Choice Authors
Technology in the Homeschool by The Curriculum Choice authors is a collection of articles and reviews for using technology in your homeschool.
The Elements – Homeschool Chemistry Curriculum Review
The Elements is an introduction to chemistry for ages 8-14. It’s a full curriculum and includes both an 80-page student text and a 100-page teacher’s section.
Why My Father’s World is my Favorite Homeschool Curriculum
Why is My Father’s World is my favorite curriculum? It is a boxed curriculum with an easy to use Teacher’s Manual and open and go format.
Adventures in Phonics – A complete phonics program for homeschoolers
Adventures in Phonics provides a variety of learning activities so your children will be equipped with a strong background in phonics.
Elementary Greek for Homeschoolers
Elementary Greek is both simple and substantial. It’s a complete one year program for kids as young as 2nd grade. There are 3 years available.
Homeschool Math Resource Review: Beyond Numbers
will help you learn how to see and teach math from a biblical worldview in an easy to read and understandable way.
Using Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read Program in Your Homeschool
The Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read program is a complete, easy to use phonics program for kids prek-2nd grade.
Homeschool Mom Helps
Homeschool Mom Helps: encouragement, ideas, tips, and suggestions for homeschooling, parenting, organization and more! From the veteran homeschoolers at The Curriculum Choice
A Review of The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had
The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had takes the principles of a classical education for children and adapts them to the use of adult readers who want both enjoyment and self-improvement from the time they spend reading.
The Star-Spangled State Book – A Homeschool Geography Resource Review
The Star-Spangled State Book and workbook are a great way to introduce your kids to the 50 States. With maps, photos, worksheets, and test it’s an easy homeschool course!