Times Alive! is an online multiplication program for kids that teaches all the 0s-9s with movies, music videos, games, and quizzes.
updated by Heidi C
Using Build-a-Skill Instant Books in Your Homeschool
Build-a-Skill Instant Books are a lapbook style, hands-on way to teach elementary language arts and math concepts.
Show Me Thy Ways Bible Curriculum
Show Me Thy Ways for grades 4-6, is an intense Bible curriculum, full of meaty ideas, Bible reading, maps, questions, and vocabulary words.
TruthQuest History
TruthQuest History homeschool history curriculum combines Charlotte Mason & Classical methods to put God back at the center of the past.
WinterPromise Language Arts
WinterPromise Language Arts for grades Prek-12 includes literature and activities, family projects, notebooking, mapping, and student worksheets.
Truth in the Tinsel: Review of an Advent Study for Children
With Truth in the Tinsel you can walk your kids through the entire Christmas story from the Bible–beginning with prophecy in Isaiah, through the stories in the Gospels all the way to Jesus’ ultimate goal for coming to earth in a fun and hands-on way!
TruthQuest History Guides for Homeschool History
TruthQuest History Guides offer a living literature approach to history that helps tie all the pieces together creating a full historical picture without using a traditional textbook.
Using The Complete Writer: Writing with Ease in Your Homeschool
The Complete Writer: Writing with Ease 4 book series is designed to teach elementary students how to transform thoughts into well-structured written paragraphs.
Review: Spanish Fun Activity Calendar
The Spanish Fun Activity Calendars are a fun Spanish Language using tool that all families members can enjoy!
Online Piano Lessons with Hoffman Academy
Online piano lessons with Hoffman Academy – over 300+ free lessons PLUS a paid version with downloadable sheet music, interactive games and more!
All Through the Ages: Finding the Best Books for History
All Through the Ages is literature resource with lists of living books to help you choose quality literature for teaching history.
Evan-Moor: ScienceWorks for Kids Series
Evan-Moor ScienceWorks for Kids is a hands-on learning science activity book series for kids in grades K-6.