We included cursive writing in our homeschool, as writing things down helps so much in helping remember and recall information. We wanted our daughter to know print and cursive, so she would have two options to choose from. Here are some homeschool cursive handwriting resources for elementary.
Hands On
365 Days of Celebration and Praise: An Honest Review
It’s easy. It’s done for you. Those two criteria really appeal to me as a homeschool mother. Julie Lavender has done all the work. Pull out her 365 Days of Celebration and Praise to start the day. It’s appropriate for all ages. A full year of family devotionals.
Mathematics Their Way: An Activity-Centered Mathematics Program
Mathematics Their Way is an activity-centered mathematics program for the early elementary grades intended to be easy for those with limited math skills to implement.
Storytime Activities Perfect For Preschoolers
Are you looking for storytime activities for preschoolers? Here are activities, picture books, and wonderful preschool resources for you!
Homeschool History Review: Home School in the Woods Time Travelers
Home School in the Woods Time Travelers History Studies are hands-on unit studies for U.S. History from New World Explorers to World War II
Using Home Science Tools In Your Homeschool
Exploring high school chemistry using Home Science Tools includes 3 different high school chemistry lessons created by Eva Varga. Including: Nomenclature of Chemical Compounds, Covalent Bonding, and Ionic Bonding.
A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks Review
No matter what you are studying, or what your child is interested in A Journey Through Learning has Lapbooks to enrich their learning!
30 Awesome Human Anatomy Resources for Homeschool Science
Human Anatomy Resources for Homeschool Science. Books, art, hands-on projects and more for learning about the human body systems.
50 Awesome Activities for Kids with ADHD
50 Awesome Activities for Kids with ADHD. Using their strengths, these activities help us help our kids be successful and happy learners.
GEO Puzzles for Homeschool Geography Fun
Using GEO Puzzles for homeschool geography fun! Check out these 6 geography puzzles to help your kids learn their world and US geography.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices
This Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices includes everything from full curriculum options to hands-on activities, wonderful living books, great apps and more!
The Best Geography Games For Learning In Your Homeschool
This is a selection of Homeschool Geography Games that are a fun, hands-on way to learn about the United States of America & World Geography.