Phonetic Zoo – Excellence in Spelling is a phonics program that uses an auditory approach to teach spelling.
Middle School
Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science Membership
Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science Membership offers live and self-paced science courses for kids in grades 4-12.
Cover Story Writing Curriculum for Middle School
Cover Story Writing Curriculum for Middle School is a full English curriculum including writing, literature, critical thinking, grammar & more!
All American History – The Civil War to the 21st Century
All American History Volume II – The Civil War to the 21st Century, is the second volume of a middle grade American History curriculum from Bright Ideas Press.
FREE Summer Homeschool Resources
A collection of Free Summer Homeschool Resources to continue the learning and ADD new, creative & fun learning resources to your homeschool.
Service Learning: Hands-On Opportunities to Reach Out to Others
The Complete Guide to Service Learning – Hands-On Opportunities to Reach Out to Others. A book to help your family construct a life of service.
Literary Adventures for Kids from Hide the Chocolate
Literary Adventures for Kids from Hide the Chocolate offers engaging literary units and book clubs for kids in grades K-12.
Making Homeschool Math Fun with Math Games!
Making Math fun with Math Games is a collection of board games, card games, online/app games, hands-on ways to learn math and more!
Homeschool Art Appreciation with Dover Art Card Sets
Dover Art Card Sets make homeschool art appreciation easy. Sturdy cards including the painting along with basic information about the art including the artist, title, year of production and art medium used to create the work.
Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
Discover Your Child’s Learning Style shows you how to assess and nurture your child’s individual learning potential based on his or her talents, interests, disposition, preferred environment, and more.
Summer Reading Inspiration For Your Homeschool
This collection of Summer Reading Inspiration includes everything from book lists, to book clubs, book related activities and more!
Art Lab For Kids: 52 Creative Art Adventures for Homeschoolers
Art Lab for Kids offers you 52 fun and interesting art projects for your homeschool with little preparation and excellent results. Drawing, painting, printmaking and more!