Summer can be a great time to explore new learning avenues, create fun learning opportunities, and try new things. One great way to do this is through finding FREE Summer Homeschool Resources. This gives you a chance to try new things, without a ton of extra cost!

I was compensated for my time to share these free, no strings attached offers from Homeschool Buyers Club with you. Affiliate links are used on this website. Please see our disclosure policy for more details.
FREE Summer Homeschool Resources
Homeschool Buyers Club has partnered with some awesome companies to bring us some FREE Summer Homeschool Resources and Programs. Everything from music and electives to science, history, and math!
Below I have listed some of the awesome summer freebies you can get at Homeschool Buyers Club. But be sure to head over there and check out all of the amazing programs that are offered FREE For The Summer from our friends at Homeschool Buyers Club.
Mr. Henry’s Music World – (Grades K-5) Mr. Henry’s Music World Kid’s Piano Adventure Package is an all-inclusive, creative, and exciting music education curriculum for elementary children who want to learn at their own pace right at home. Kids get the experience of not just learning the piano, but starting their journey as a young musician.
Mark Kistler’s Online Drawing Lessons – (Grades Pre K-12) Over the past three decades, the Emmy Award-winning Mark Kistler has taught millions of children how to draw on TV and in workshops around the world. Learning how to draw in 3-D builds a child’s critical thinking skills while nourishing his confidence. His lessons have inspired millions of children to discover their remarkable individual potential. Here is a review of Mark Kistler’s Drawing Squad from here at TCC.
Code Avengers – (Grades K-12) – Code Avengers provides interactive and engaging computer science learning, making coding concepts accessible to learners of all levels. Course modules are blended with STEM and literacy learning, and broken into simple tasks that support progression.
Science & History
Rock by Rock – (Grades K-5) Rock by Rock is a highly engaging hybrid learning platform that provides a library of real world interdisciplinary project-based learning resources. Each project develops literacy and STEAM content and skills through a series of self-directed online lessons and hands-on projects and activities. Kids have fun learning science by applying what they have learned to make a real difference in their lives, their communities and in our world.
Fascinating Education – (Grades 6-12) Dr. Margulies flips the teaching process in Fascinating Education courses by approaching science through the “right hemisphere” of the brain. He uses simple, colorful illustrations, supplemented with attached audio files to explain what your child is seeing. The result is an easy way to learn science. Here is a review I wrote about Fascinating Education.
History Alive! – (Grades 1-6 and 6-12) – With topics ranging from geography, to history, to science and geopolitics, every month History Alive has the ability to spark a new passion and facilitate learning in ways that might never be explored. The core curriculum is twenty, 5 minute videos covering an individual point of the overarching topic. Binge them all in one day, or take them one per day. It is up to you! Just remember that the entire course gets refreshed with a different topic every month.
Reading/Language Arts
ABC Mouse – (Grades Pre K -2) The step-by-step learning path presents the full ABCmouse curriculum in a carefully designed program of more than 850 lessons across ten levels. As your child completes each lesson, they are guided onto the next and are motivated to continue learning with exciting rewards.
Adventure Academy – (Grades 2-8) Students in elementary and middle school join the ranks of young scholars at Adventure Academy, a fully immersive virtual 3-D universe for those seeking knowledge and adventure. Curriculum-based games, books, a wide range of other types of reading materials, educational videos, and new interactive experiences address all major academic domains.
LightSail – (Grades 2-12) LightSail for Homeschoolers is an adaptive, online language arts platform built by homeschoolers for homeschoolers, featuring thousands of interconnected books, audiobooks, and multimedia content, including the respected World Book Digital Encyclopedia package and bonus faith-based content. With modules in reading, writing, vocabulary, and fluency, homeschoolers can read and learn anywhere, any time, on any device with our adaptive reader, especially struggling readers with the use of our Personalized Reader built specifically for students with reading challenges. Here is a LightSail review here at TCC.
Math Mammoth – (Grades K-8) Whether you are looking for a complete curriculum for homeschooling, materials to fill in gaps, or summer math, Math Mammoth has something for you! Math Mammoth offers a full math curriculum and supplemental worktexts and workbooks available as electronic downloads or on a CD. Here is a review of Math Mammoth here at TCC.
Doodle Maths – (Grades PreK-7) – Designed to be used for just a few minutes a day, DoodleMaths covers all key content from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. It can even be used offline on phones, tablets, laptops and desktops, making it ideal for busy schedules! As an added bonus, receive DoodleTables, DoodleEnglish (UK version only), and DoodleSpell (UK version only) for free with your DoodleMaths subscription, exclusively through the Club.
Bonus FREE Gifts!
So not only does Homeschool Buyers Club have all the summer freebies I mentioned above (plus some I didn’t mention), they are also offering up to 3 EXCLUSIVE FREE GIFTS with any purchase! Simply head on over to Homeschool Buyers Club, place your order, and upon checkout, select your free gift(s).
Summer Reading Programs & Lists
Another great way to continue the fun and learning is through reading and book clubs. Most local libraries run FREE Summer Reading Programs for kids and adults alike.
Summer Reading Inspiration – book lists, fun activities, printable reading logs and more!
Summer Reading for Moms – A list of reading ideas for moms. Includes both fiction and non-fiction ideas.
Summer Reading Fun! FREE Printable Lists By Age – K-2, 3-5, Middle School, and High School lists to help you help your child find a book to love!
Literary Adventures for Kids – online book clubs that are literature courses designed to guide your student through reading novels while adding optional grammar, spelling, and writing. Each one is a 4 week study of the chosen book.
More Summer Fun & Learning
Summer! Homeschool Physical Education – ideas for both indoors and out!
Homeschool Summer Camp – Writer’s Workshops, Fairy Gardens, Art, and more!
Summer Art Camp Video Art Lesson – find the free lesson towards the bottom of this post!
Spectacular Night Sky Study – Use some of these suggestions and the free printable journal page to get started with some simple night sky observations.
Ultimate Guide to Camping Activities for Kids of All Ages – so many great ideas!
Dollar Store Obstacle Course & More Inexpensive Outdoor Fun Ideas – create a super fun, and super cheap obstacle course for your yard, make a fun reading tent, create art with chalk, and so many more fun ideas!
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