While I love a fun, colorful program as much as the next homeschool mom, sometimes I want something straightforward and comprehensive – especially when it comes to something like grammar. That’s why I chose the Rod & Staff English series for my daughter. It may not be colorful and flashy but it’s thorough and easy for this busy homeschool mom….
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Picture Books for Lent – Some Favorites Reviewed
We love discovering new picture books together and re-reading all our treasured and well-loved books. Today’s featured books are among our family’s favorites. Your children are never too old to enjoy picture books, especially books that have a moral to share or are able to impart the gifts of our faith. The books that I am sharing with you today…
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ACT Test Prep for Homeschool
Last spring I shared with you the ACT Test Prep resources my rising senior used. She took the ACT last June, made the score she hoped for and was accepted to the college at the top of her list! Now that my son is a rising senior, we are using the same resources. I now am on the ‘other’ side…
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Our Favorite Homeschool Nature Study Resources
Nature journaling and exploration are great activities for families and children. It is thereby not surprising that nature study is a popular component of many homeschools. Simply put, it is the study of nature via simple, truthful observations which over time cultivate one’s understanding and appreciation for the world around them. Nature study helps the student to see science face to face, to understand the…
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Middle School STEM Activity Books – Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils – My Review
Are you looking for a fun way to teach science to your middle schoolers? Do you want something that is clearly written and also hands-on? When my daughter was in 5th grade, she wanted to learn all about rocks and geology. So, to add to our nature explorations, we went to our local teacher’s store looking for Middle School STEM…
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Smarter Every Day
If you like science, you will love Smarter Every Day! My boys and I found the Smarter Every Day YouTube channel about a year ago, and we cannot get enough of it. In the words of its creator, Destin, “I explore the world using science. That’s pretty much all there is to it.” You will find short, engaging videos about…
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Electronics Experiment Kits for Your Budding Scientist
My boys tend to go through stretches of intense study on one subject. Trains, cars, nature, science, history, technology and more. They immerse themselves in a subject and learn all they can. One subject they continue to revisit is electronics. My boys especially enjoy electronic experiments. Their favorite is the series of electronics experiment kits from Elenco called Snap Circuits®….
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The Allowance Game
I have to admit that in our early years of homeschooling I was very enthusiastic about buying educational gifts for every occasion. Therefore, we have tons, and yes I means tons of educational games in our house. Some have been and a big hit, and others not so much. One that was a favorite of all three of my children…
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Ready Readers Review
I was looking for a way to really dig deep into some literature with our children. However, I was met with the reality that I didn’t have the time to really teach literature the way that I really wanted to do. So, basically in despair, I began to look for really good literature guides and I ran across the Center…
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The Online Homeschool Maths for Critical Thinking, Redbird Mathematics
Mathematics is a subject that needs a lot of practice. Children are often bored using a single resource to finish assignments, especially when they are a line of exercises on a mathematics workbook. I know that it would be a good drill to familiarize them with certain mathematics concepts. Although I can force them to do the drilling part, I…
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