This is a collection of reviews about the classically based, Tapestry of Grace Homeschool Curriculum from the authors at The Curriculum Choice.
The Montessori Homeschool
The Montessori Homeschool helps children learn problem-solving, patience, self-discipline, and practical life skills in a relaxed, parent guided environment. A guide from The Curriculum Choice
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts from The Curriculum Choice includes full curriculum PLUS resources for reading, writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting!
Nature Study Made Easy with NaturExplorers Nature Unit Studies
NaturExplorers Nature Unit Studies are 19 different, complete nature based science studies for 1st – 8th grades.
The Veterans Day Homeschool
This is a collection of resources (online, printable, books and more) to help children understand the significance of Veterans Day and the importance of those who have fought and died for America, as well as those who currently serve to protect our nation.
Review of Mystery of History Volume 4
Mystery of History Volume 4 is a complete, chronological, Christian world history curriculum that spans three centuries from 1708 to 2014.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Science
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Science is a collection of science curricula, supplements and free resources both secular and Christian.
Latin Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
A massive list of Latin Homeschool Curriculum Reviews from our review authors. Latin for Children, Song School Latin, Visual Latin and more!
The Ultimate Guide to History Curriculum for Homeschool
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool History is a collection of both World and US History plus Geography curriculum and resources for your homeschool. From The Curriculum Choice.
The Very Best Options for Homeschool Math (2021)
The Very Best Options for Homeschool Math (2021) includes full curriculum options, supplements, and even math advice from seasoned homeschool parents!
You Might Be An Eclectic Homeschooler if…
You Might Be An Eclectic Homeschooler if… answers the question, “What is an eclectic homeschooler? How do I find eclectic homeschool resources? All this and more from The Curriculum Choice
Homeschool Patriot Day Resources
Homeschool Patriot Day Resources – A collection of Homeschool Patriot Day Resources both FREE and low cost, including books, movies, printables, online resources, and art! From The Curriculum Choice