Make spelling practice easier and more fun with these spelling apps. Spelling practice, testing, games and more!
updated by Heidi C
Homeschool High School American Literature by 7 Sisters Review
With American Literature by 7 Sisters, high school students will develop a good understanding of all aspects of literary analysis, using 9 full works of literature!
Choosing A Homeschool Writing Curriculum: Programs For Success
Whether you are brand new homeschooler or a seasoned one, here are our favorite homeschool writing curriculum options for your homeschool!
The Robinson Curriculum – A Homeschool Curriculum Review
The Robinson Curriculum is a self-teaching homeschool curriculum for all grades. It includes math, writing, vocabulary and reading.
Well Planned Day Family Homeschool Planner
The Well Planned Day Family Homeschool Planner allows you to plan your homeschool for more than just one child, all in on place!
Homeschool Cursive Handwriting Resources: Elementary Grades K-6
We included cursive writing in our homeschool, as writing things down helps so much in helping remember and recall information. We wanted our daughter to know print and cursive, so she would have two options to choose from. Here are some homeschool cursive handwriting resources for elementary.
Science Roots : Vocabulary for High School Biology
Nearly all science vocabulary rests upon Latin & Greek roots. With Science Roots students learn 123 of the most useful science roots.
Top Homeschool Curriculum Choices by Grade Level
Over the years, the authors here at Curriculum Choice have written hundreds of reviews for you to peruse! Here are our Homeschool Curriculum Choices by grade for you!
Answers in Genesis: God’s Design for Science Curriculum Review
Answers in Genesis: God’s Design for Science presents the study of science with God’s Word as the starting point. Each science discipline is uniquely focused to teach kids that science confirms the Bible 100% and that we can trust God’s Word from the very first verse.
Children’s Poetry Study with Favorite Poems Old and New
Favorite Poems Old and New is a collection of over 700 poems meant to read aloud, and help your children fall in love with poetry.
Making Music Praying Twice: A Catholic Music Curriculum
Making Music Praying Twice is a Catholic music curriculum that focuses on children from birth – age 8. It’s a 95 song journey through the Liturgical year of the church.
Comprehensive Record Solution – A homeschool records solution for you!
The Comprehensive Record Solution helps you create professional records for your homeschool high school students.