The iPad is a wonderful learning tool. Each of our five children use it in one or more ways to complement and enrich specific subjects. Our youngest one practices with learning to read apps, our first grader practices handwriting with Oceans Letter Writer and cursive. Our eldest two children supplement Apologia Biology with the app flashcards by iHomeEducator. They also learn more about technology … [Read more...] about My iPad for Kids Review
Keeping A Nature Journal
When we first started to include nature walks and studies in our homeschooling days, I have to say that the thought of making my first entry in my nature journal was rather overwhelming. That first bank page stared back at me and I was at a loss at where to start. I wonder if this stumbling block stands in the way of others starting a nature journal? I know that after four years of nature … [Read more...] about Keeping A Nature Journal
Homeschooling with Purpose Offers Solid Encouragement to Mothers
Homeschooling with Purpose, by Amy Roberts of, is just the breath of fresh air many homeschooling mothers need when we find ourselves in "the winter of our discontent." According to Amy, this ebook is not intended to be another instructional manual full of homeschooling how-to's. Instead, Amy writes, "I want to dig deeper . . . below the surface of inspirational ideas that will … [Read more...] about Homeschooling with Purpose Offers Solid Encouragement to Mothers
High School 4-year Planner by Well Planned Day
Setting out to homeschool high school for the first time, we found ourselves looking at lots of curriculum - from biology to language and vocabulary - everything was new to us. Along with academics came a need to organize daily assignments. High school is a necessary time to learn skills of keeping up with one's work load a little more independently than before. We searched office supply … [Read more...] about High School 4-year Planner by Well Planned Day
Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons: Workbooks
As a Charlotte Mason homeschooler, I've used and loved Primary Language Lessons and Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl for years and years. The goals of the books are to create students who are confident and capable to speak and write the English language. As my third child grows toward being ready for these, I was pleasantly surprised to find that workbook editions are now … [Read more...] about Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons: Workbooks
Mama’s Learning Corner Worksheet Packet Review
Attention all homeschooling moms of students in Pre-K through second grades...I want to tell you about the BEST $9.00 you will spend on your homeschooling curriculum! Lauren, from Mama's Learning Corner has created over 200 worksheets, printables and games in one convenient download. No more spending hours scouring the internet searching for supplemental activities. This … [Read more...] about Mama’s Learning Corner Worksheet Packet Review
Help for The Bad Homeschool Days from Curriculum Choice Authors
It's been one of those days, huh? The days where you want to pack it all up and say "Enough, that's it. I quit!" Yes, sweet friends I've been there. We've all been there, but tomorrow is a new day. While I would love to tell you that this is the last homeschooling day you'll have, the truth is, it isn't. Bad days will continue to come. That's a fact, but the good thing is you're not … [Read more...] about Help for The Bad Homeschool Days from Curriculum Choice Authors
ShapelyGirl Fitness Review
Are you a ShapleyGirl? Need a little motivation to get moving? Tired of all the work-out videos full of skinny women in very little clothing? ME TOO! Enter: ShapleyGirl Fitness by Debra Mazda. AWESOME! It consists of work-out videos that have shapley girls wearing actual clothing we might find ourselves wearing. What a concept, right? It is wonderful to know that Debra knows what those of us … [Read more...] about ShapelyGirl Fitness Review
Real Science 4 Kids {Chemistry Level 1}
We are studying chemistry as a family this year and I've been able to use Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Level I as part of the adventure. I've enjoyed using it for several reasons: It's well organized into 10 topics which are designed to teach over a week. The chemistry is not watered down. The program uses real chemistry terms and teaches concepts in a way 4th-6th graders can … [Read more...] about Real Science 4 Kids {Chemistry Level 1}
Sprout Labs Apps Review – Water Cycle HD and Recycle HD
This month, we have two new apps by Sprout Labs. Recycle HD Travel into the world of recycling. Recycle HD covers the 3R's; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Why should we buy in bulk? What are the plastic identification codes, and why are they important? These and other questions are answered by Recycle HD. The app's opening screen presents the 3R's (pictured … [Read more...] about Sprout Labs Apps Review – Water Cycle HD and Recycle HD
Apologia What We Believe Series :: Who Am I? (Book 2)
Apologia is well known among homeschoolers for their science curriculum elementary through high school. Our family was recently introduced to another branch of what they offer - the What We Believe series. Four books focused on worldview training for ages 6-14, these were created to equip kids to understand truth and to tackle the various messages of our culture today. Apologia's series … [Read more...] about Apologia What We Believe Series :: Who Am I? (Book 2)
Introduce the A,B,C’s with The Big Book of Alpha Tales – My Review
Are you looking for a fun way to introduce the alphabet to your younger ones? Or do your children need something special to do while you work with their siblings? Scholastic offers a hands-on alphabet program called The Big Book of Alpha Tales. It includes an entertaining story for each letter of the alphabet. My daughter loved the stories. We read them over and over each week. Meanwhile she was … [Read more...] about Introduce the A,B,C’s with The Big Book of Alpha Tales – My Review