Math On The Level is a pre-K through pre-Algebra math program designed to accommodate families teaching multiple children of various ages. It is a relatively new curriculum on the home-schooling scene. The authors, Carlita and John Boyles, developed this wonderful math curriculum as they home-taught their own children. With advanced degrees in several Education fields for Carlita and Electrical … [Read more...] about Math On the Level
CalcuLadder Math Drills
We are visiting an old favorite in new form. Having used CalcuLadder with my older girls (now 28, 27, 25), I knew that I liked this program, but I was not sure of the download format. As it turns out, I love it! In this mathematics drill program, the student will work on the same page each day until he meets the preset time and errors allowed goals. When he meets his goals, he moves on to … [Read more...] about CalcuLadder Math Drills
Living Memory: A Classical Memory Work Companion
If you have read many of my other reviews you already know that I like for things to be easy. If they aren't easy, I at least don't want them to be a ton of work for me. After all, my inner educator proclaims, this is their education, not mine! This of course is true to a point. We all know, I reply to my inner educator, learning never stops; least of all, perhaps, for a home educating … [Read more...] about Living Memory: A Classical Memory Work Companion
Foxmind Games
Remember my love for logic? Well, here I am again talking about incorporating more logic into your homeschool - this time through games! I'm teaching a logic and critical thinking class at co-op this year and needed some activities that were both fun and challenging. I hit the jackpot with Foxmind Games! Each of the games below can be played by one person or a group of kids - it doesn't … [Read more...] about Foxmind Games
Lewis and Clark for Kids Unit Study
We use a lot of Unit Studies in our home school. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon the For Kids Unit Studies. Each study contains a book written about the subject and 21 activities that tie into what you are reading. One of our first to use was Lewis and Clark for Kids: Their Journey of Discovery with 21 Activities (For Kids series) by Janis Herbert. We really had fun with this study. My … [Read more...] about Lewis and Clark for Kids Unit Study
I’ve always been avidly against spelling as a subject all on it’s own, and this worked well for one of my children. Unfortunately the other suffers from poor spelling. It’s been a struggle for him, and thus for me. I decided this was the year that we’d add spelling, officially, to our daily routine. The problem was, that I didn’t want to have random lists of words that confused the poor child … [Read more...] about Spellwell
Foundations in Personal Finance Curriculum
During school time Mr. 16 was sitting at the computer, chuckling. Having that much fun doing ‘schoolwork’ suggests to me that it’s not really schoolwork on the computer…. So I sternly asked, “What are you doing?” Sweetly he answered, “Dave Ramsey,” and continued chortling. After listening to a few more minutes of this laughter, I pulled up a chair beside him to watch “Bargain … [Read more...] about Foundations in Personal Finance Curriculum
Science Is Simple
Science is Simple Why, yes it can be! With two little ones – a Kindergartner and a toddler, science needs to STAY simple. Both of my girls are hands-on learners, so that makes science REALLY fun in our house! Because my girls are young, and because I believe exploration and hands-on activities (especially science!) is best, Science Is Simple is a great book for us! Written by Peggy … [Read more...] about Science Is Simple
All About Learning Press Readers
My beginning readers are children who have been raised on a wide variety of literature, from Dora the Explorer books (which do not really count as literature) to classics like Heidi and everything in between. As they have begun learning to read one thing I have tried to find are beautiful books on their level. I’m sorry, I’ve seen those beginning readers where the whole story is 3 or 4 words … [Read more...] about All About Learning Press Readers
I Can Read! Made by God Series by ZonderKidz
Book Series: I Can Read! Made by God. Age Recommendation: 4 to 7 Use: Reader Books; Level 2 Reading with Help Publisher: ZonderKidz When I see ZonderKidz, I take notice. I have purchased many books from ZonderKidz in the past and have never been disappointed. I love the quality and the interwoven faith in the books. Couple that with the I Can Read! series which is known having titles … [Read more...] about I Can Read! Made by God Series by ZonderKidz
Simply Grammar
In our three years of home education, I have tried just about every grammar program I have seen. With all that we have seen and used, I have decided that Charlotte Mason is the way to go with Grammar. We love one company in particular, but have so much copy work with our main curriculum that I needed to find something that was Charlotte Mason friendly, without all of the picture study and copy … [Read more...] about Simply Grammar
Consumer Math Success Kit
Consumer Math Success Kit by David Newton is a gem for high school students! This one semester course (53 lessons - some of which can be used more than one day or extended into real-life practice) includes practical math your child will need in the future. Bank accounts, loans, credit cards, taxes, home costs, budgeting, insurance and planning for the future are some of the 27 topics covered. … [Read more...] about Consumer Math Success Kit