In honor of the farmers and ranchers across the country who grow the food that nourishes our bodies, we here at The Curriculum Choice, bring you some of our favorite harvest posts and resources with The Harvest Homeschool.
Supplemental Homeschool Lessons with Elephango
Elephango: Supplemental Homeschool Lessons for grades preK-12. Online lessons in a variety of subjects & easily searchable by multiple topics
You Can Learn Sign Language: A Homeschool Curriculum Review
You Can Learn Sign Language contains more than 300 signs, with easy to follow instructions, and photos of kids demonstrating each sign.
The Ultimate Guide To Foreign Language Curriculum In Your Homeschool
A collection of foreign language curriculum reviews for homeschool from Latin to Spanish to French, sign language and more.
Mr. D Math Consumer Math for Homeschoolers
Mr. D, Math Consumer Math for Homeschoolers is a full credit high school course teaching practical things like banking, home buying, taxes and more!
Homeschool Picture Books Just In Time For Back To School
Back to Homeschool Picture Books – a collection of books specifically depicting homeschoolers and the lives they lead in celebration of “back to homeschool”.
Elementary Horizons Math Review
Horizons Math from Alpha & Omega offers a spiral approach to math with their elementary math curriculum options.
Technology in the Homeschool by Curriculum Choice Authors
Technology in the Homeschool by The Curriculum Choice authors is a collection of articles and reviews for using technology in your homeschool.
What are the 5 Best Language Learning Apps for Kids to Learn Spanish at Home?
5 Best Language Learning Apps for Kids to Learn Spanish at Home! We share benefits, reviews & comparisons of our Top 5 language learning apps!
The Best Social Studies Curriculum Reviews for Your Homeschool
A collection of reviews of the Best Social Studies Curriculum for Your Homeschool. Includes history, geography, psychology, philosophy, and economics.
Raise Giving Kids with the Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit
Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit, a 26-week curriculum for teaching children ages 5-18 about the importance of living generously.
Adventures in Phonics – A complete phonics program for homeschoolers
Adventures in Phonics provides a variety of learning activities so your children will be equipped with a strong background in phonics.