Are you looking to teach basic Christlike virtues to your children? Then A Child’s Book of Character Building might be just what you are looking for!
A Child’s Book of Character Building, Volume 1
We use a variety of resources during our morning Bible time, but this past year I purchased a book that has become a favorite in our home.
A Child’s Book of Character Building by Ron and Rebekah Coriell is a compilation of short stories that highlight Christ-like character traits. It is designed for ages three to seven, but you could possibly use it with a slightly older child as well.
Character Building Homeschool Lessons
At the beginning of each chapter, you are presented with a particular character quality and a Scripture verse that applies to it.
Following this are four separate, one-page stories which portray that particular trait in various contexts. The first story is from the Bible, and it shows how Jesus lived out the character quality in His life here on earth.
The remaining three stories provide examples of real-life situations involving children in which the trait is demonstrated in the context of home, school, and play. At the end of each chapter are character development challenges that use activities and questions to help the child apply what he has learned from the stories.
Character Traits in A Child’s Book of Character Building Volume 1:
- Attentiveness
- Creativity
- Faith
- Diligence
- Patience
- Contentment
- Obedience
- Wisdom
- Tenderheartedness
- Thankfulness
- Honesty
- Joyfulness
These stories captivate my children and hold their interest so much that they always want me to read more than one story each day. I try to limit our reading to one or two though because I really want these concepts to sink in to their young hearts.
I have been pleasantly surprised at the number of times that my seven-year old has brought up one of the stories or character traits from A Child’s Book of Character Building at a time other than our morning devotions. When helping my children work through difficult situations, I’ve been able to use these stories as reminders of the attitude Jesus would want us to have or how He would have us handle the problem.
The scripturally-based stories in A Child’s Book of Character Building have proven to be a wonderful way to plant the seeds of godly virtues in my children as they grow in their relationships with Jesus.
There is also a second volume if you wanted to continue on!
More Character Building Resources For Your Homeschool
- Bible, Character Training, and Parenting Resources from Our Review Authors
- Character Development for Kids from Grace and Truth Books
- Character Education Coloring Books
- Biblically Teaching Character Traits with the Child Training Bible
~ Originally posted June 2009, Written by Shannon, Unit Study/Charlotte Mason mother of three, who counts it a joy and a privilege to point her little ones to Jesus.
Wonderful book. My 4yr. old loves it.