I was given The Homeschool Mom's Prayer Journal to look over, use, and review. I was drawn to the journal on its name alone, because I, like many other Mums, wanted to cover our homeschool in prayer. Let's face it, picking our curriculum, setting up schedules, helping our children meet goals, and face challenges isn't for the faint of heart. It's way too easy to become overwhelmed and forget the … [Read more...] about The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal Review
Little House in the Big Woods Lapbook
When we first started homeschooling eight years ago, the Little House series was number one on our list for our read aloud time. After the first few chapters of the first book we were all hooked! Nothing could tear us away from Laura Ingalls and discovering all her adventures. Looking back to those early years when Laura Ingalls and her family journeyed with us through our first two years of … [Read more...] about Little House in the Big Woods Lapbook
Draw Write Now
I have an artist in my home. He draws all the time. Drawing helps him communicate and express his creativity. But he is not a big fan of handwriting practice. So when I found the Draw Write Now books I had hopes that this would get him more interested in handwriting lessons. And it has, because the Draw Write Now books incorporate drawing and handwriting into each lesson. Draw Write Now is a … [Read more...] about Draw Write Now
Download N Go Unit Studies
Just in time for back to school, Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett is having a sale on the best selling Download N Go units. For just $5 each! ~This post contains affiliate links to resources we have used and loved for years – and those we highly recommend! Please see our disclosure policy. Rocking Robots Volatile Volcanoes Discover the Brain Discover the Senses Sensational … [Read more...] about Download N Go Unit Studies
Homeschool Reviews for Nature Study, Science and Technology
Choosing a science curriculum is a big decision when you homeschool your children. Each family has its personal interests and preferred methods of offering science from year to year. Are you looking for your curriculum for science and nature study? Looking to add in some formal technology training too? This post is full of ideas and practical suggestions for making your science, nature study, and … [Read more...] about Homeschool Reviews for Nature Study, Science and Technology
Homeschool Math Curriculum Reviews
Whether you are just starting out or it's time for a change, the authors here at Curriculum Choice have much to share with you! Read below for an abundance of information on math resources and programs. Our Math Curriculum Reviews Below are some of the many math reviews our Curriculum Choice authors have written. You’ll be amazed at all the resources available to you and your … [Read more...] about Homeschool Math Curriculum Reviews
In The Hands Of A Child :: Basic Survival Skills Note Book
One of my favorite online curriculum providers is Currclick. I love that you can just about instantly fill a gap or meet a need in your homeschool with just one click of a button. The winter of 2013 was a rather snowy one for us here in England. We kept hearing reports of people going missing in the mountains, or of being stranded in their vehicles on snowy mountain passes. I asked my girls what … [Read more...] about In The Hands Of A Child :: Basic Survival Skills Note Book
Etiquette Intermediate by The Etiquette Factory – REVIEW
This post contains affiliate links. As the mom of two boys I learned very early on that “manners” are skills that need to be taught! When my children were young they honestly believed their sleeves served as the perfect napkin and if they were excited to share information with their friends it was perfectly fine to just start talking (even if their friend was in the middle of sharing his own … [Read more...] about Etiquette Intermediate by The Etiquette Factory – REVIEW
Drawing with Children Review
If there is one drawing book that I see consistently on homeschool curriculum sites, it's Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes. I am not anything of an artist myself, so I thought this would be a good one for me to check out. When it came in the mail, I pretty much sat down and read it cover to cover. It is a wonderful resource for any teacher (or mom!) who is going to be instructing children … [Read more...] about Drawing with Children Review
Timeline: A Game
Our family moved house in December, days before Christmas. It was an exhausting experience for everyone! With my husband being up to his neck in end of year things at work it left the kids and I with the duty or packing up the old home, scrubbing it down, and doing the majority of the moving of items into our lovely new home. Many traditions we'd normally have participated in fell by the … [Read more...] about Timeline: A Game
Tapestry of Grace Primer Review
I have the great privilege of introducing you to Tapestry of Grace Primer – a new curriculum tool for your youngest ones from Tapestry of Grace! I am also sharing a review of Marcia Somerville's book, Love the Journey, at Hodgepodge. I think the biggest learning curve with homeschooling is finding what works best for your family. Tapestry of Grace is a wonderful homeschooling fit for our … [Read more...] about Tapestry of Grace Primer Review
Rory’s Story Cubes – Review
This week at our Writer's Workshop, I pulled out our Story Cubes as one of our writing explorations. Only this time, we were story telling rather than actually writing. Have you seen Rory's Story Cubes? They are an easy way to incorporate language skills into your homeschool. How Do Story Cubes Work? You get nine cubes with images on them in a convenient box or drawstring bag There are … [Read more...] about Rory’s Story Cubes – Review