This post contains affiliate links. As the mom of two boys I learned very early on that “manners” are skills that need to be taught! When my children were young they honestly believed their sleeves served as the perfect napkin and if they were excited to share information with their friends it was perfectly fine to just start talking (even if their friend was in the middle of sharing his own … [Read more...] about Etiquette Intermediate by The Etiquette Factory – REVIEW
Drawing with Children Review
If there is one drawing book that I see consistently on homeschool curriculum sites, it's Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes. I am not anything of an artist myself, so I thought this would be a good one for me to check out. When it came in the mail, I pretty much sat down and read it cover to cover. It is a wonderful resource for any teacher (or mom!) who is going to be instructing children … [Read more...] about Drawing with Children Review
Timeline: A Game
Our family moved house in December, days before Christmas. It was an exhausting experience for everyone! With my husband being up to his neck in end of year things at work it left the kids and I with the duty or packing up the old home, scrubbing it down, and doing the majority of the moving of items into our lovely new home. Many traditions we'd normally have participated in fell by the … [Read more...] about Timeline: A Game
Tapestry of Grace Primer Review
I have the great privilege of introducing you to Tapestry of Grace Primer – a new curriculum tool for your youngest ones from Tapestry of Grace! I am also sharing a review of Marcia Somerville's book, Love the Journey, at Hodgepodge. I think the biggest learning curve with homeschooling is finding what works best for your family. Tapestry of Grace is a wonderful homeschooling fit for our … [Read more...] about Tapestry of Grace Primer Review
Rory’s Story Cubes – Review
This week at our Writer's Workshop, I pulled out our Story Cubes as one of our writing explorations. Only this time, we were story telling rather than actually writing. Have you seen Rory's Story Cubes? They are an easy way to incorporate language skills into your homeschool. How Do Story Cubes Work? You get nine cubes with images on them in a convenient box or drawstring bag There are … [Read more...] about Rory’s Story Cubes – Review
Look! Really Smart Art :: A Review and Giveaway
** Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this review** Look! Really Smart Art was written by Gillian Wolfe. I found this to be a really interesting book to read through, and am sure that young readers interested in art would find it interesting too. This book looks at the 'secret' skills that artists use. In each of the 17 pictures of this book, the author shows how the artist has … [Read more...] about Look! Really Smart Art :: A Review and Giveaway
Apologia: A Light for My Path Review
Ever see a book that looks wonderful but you just want to see inside it before you buy? Let me take you inside a lovely little book published by Apologia Press: A Light for my Path by Davis Carman. It is such a lovely little picture book and has so much more in it than meets the eye. Everyone's familiar with: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119: 105. But have you … [Read more...] about Apologia: A Light for My Path Review
WriteShop Curriculum Review
Being able to communicate effectively in writing is one of our priority homeschool goals. My 6th grade daughter loves the creative aspect of writing, but not the organization and editing. She writes copiously: multi-chapter stories, lengthy narrations, frequent letters to friends. Her stories and letters are written in her free time, so we don't edit them with a fine-toothed comb. For her … [Read more...] about WriteShop Curriculum Review
Homeschool Planning
When June comes around, I think of two of my favorite things – my garden and my homeschool. And they both require planning! I think of how beautiful my garden might be, when it grows. Then I think of my homeschool. I see the next year stretching out before me, full of possibilities. I imagine how things could go, and what my daughter needs for next year. Then I start planning. This group feature … [Read more...] about Homeschool Planning
North Star Geography – REVIEW
Geography is one of our family’s FAVORITE subjects! Over the years we have studied everything from map reading and basic navigation to the cultures and customs from countries around the world. We travel when possible to bring our learning to life, use many online resources to conduct research, and lead a homeschool geography co-op so we can learn with our friends. As we began making plans … [Read more...] about North Star Geography – REVIEW
Ready to Go Homeschool Resources on Sale
Do you have a list of homeschool resources you are considering? Well we happen to have some excellent resources on sale! Yes, now is the perfect time to grab some great deals on some of our favorite homeschool curricula! And these happen to be from our review team authors. Do you long to enrich your homeschool with studies of composers and artists? There is a long-standing resource we love in our … [Read more...] about Ready to Go Homeschool Resources on Sale
The Global Puzzle Review
Memorizing random geography facts is never fun, at least it was never fun for me. So when I think of geography I like to add hands on activities to our homeschool. Puzzles and games are extra fitting for learning geography. It's not that there isn't a time for simply memorizing, there is. But I prefer to do something a bit more fun. I loved the The Global Puzzle the moment I saw it. It looks … [Read more...] about The Global Puzzle Review