Enjoy screen free, fun, frugal family nights with ideas from More Than A Movie: 50 Ideas for Fun and Frugal Family Nights!
High School
Everything You Wanted to Know About The Handbook of Nature Study for Homeschool
Everything you wanted to know about The Handbook of Nature Study. What it is, how to use it, reviews, resources and more!
NEW! Homeschool Nature Study Membership
Check out the NEW Homeschool Nature Study website and membership! Where the Handbook of Nature Study is brought to life!
Homeschool High School Transcripts Made Easy
Transcripts Made Easy shows you how to grade, grant credit, create simple, effective homeschool transcripts and high school diplomas, and keep simple records.
Winter Homeschool Physical Education
Winter homeschool physical education can include both indoor and outdoor activities. Yes! You can do outdoor PE in the winter! Everything from ice skating and snow shoeing outside, to dance parties, and exercise videos inside!
The Incredible Index of Homeschool Curriculum Options
The Incredible Index of Homeschool Curriculum Options – an index of all our ultimate guides, one per subject, 4 different grade level ranges, and more!
High School Prep Genius – like a personal guidance counselor for homeschool!
High School Prep Genius teaches how to turn a student’s high school career into a springboard for lifelong success! Like a personal guidance counselor!
Using a 4 Year Cycle of Sciences
A 4 Year Cycle of Sciences is a classical method of study where you study each science in depth every 4 years, building on previous knowledge. The 4 sciences being Life Science, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics. Learn why this method is used and get curriculum ideas for each one.
What does the School at Home Method Look Like?
Let’s take a look at what doing school at home might look like and what resources you would want to have to use this homeschool method.
Tapestry of Grace Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
This is a collection of reviews about the classically based, Tapestry of Grace Homeschool Curriculum from the authors at The Curriculum Choice.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts from The Curriculum Choice includes full curriculum PLUS resources for reading, writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting!
Mystery of History Volume 3
Mystery of History Volume 3 is a chronological, Christian world history spanning the Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations. A review from The Curriculum Choice.