Wordly Wise 3000 is a vocabulary program for grades K-12. It provides vocabulary instruction to develop the link between vocabulary and reading comprehension and is offered in both print and digital formats.
Holiday Fun for Your Homeschool from Our Review Authors
Thanksgiving & Christmas Holiday Fun from our Review Authors is a collection of Thanksgiving and Christmas themed activities, learning, and fun for your homeschool.
The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Guide to Homeschooling
The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Guide to Homeschooling offers up clear, practical advice for homeschool moms of all kinds! This book tackles homeschool conventions, successful homemaking while homeschooling, teaching techniques and more!
Games for Writing: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Write
Games for Writing offers up more than fifty ways to help your children become skilled, confident, and enthusiastic writers.
Dance Mat Typing For Your Homeschool: A Free Tutorial
Dance Mat Typing – A Free Beginner’s Touch Typing Tutorial. Dance Mat Typing is a fun online program provided by the BBC and a great way to introduce your elementary age students to touch-typing.
The Pilgrim’s Progress All-in-One Curriculum
The Pilgrim’s Progress All-in-One Curriculum by Answers in Genesis, review and how this resource works for homeschooling.
Make Learning to Read Fun with The Reading Game
Make learning to read fun with The Reading Game – a memory style site word game that builds reading vocabulary.
7 Engaging American Literature Curriculum Choices for Your Homeschool
Let us help you choose an American Literature Curriculum for your homeschool. This post is chocked full of resources and ideas for exploring American Literature in your homeschool.
Hands-On History Homeschool Book: Letters for Freedom
Letters for Freedom: Civil War is an interactive book with lift flaps, gatefolds, sliding tabs, letters to open and pamphlets to unfold!
First Language Lessons for The Well-Trained Mind by Jessie Wise
First Language Lessons for The Well-Trained Mind is a complete grammar and writing program for grades one through four.