Lessons at Blackberry Inn is the sequel to Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola. It continues the gentle learning path with Carol and her children. A wonderful Charlotte Mason style learning experience!
The Burgess Bird Book for Children – A Wonderful Homeschool Nature Study Resource
The Burgess Bird Book for Children teaches children about birds in a story format, “interviewing” the birds to help teach about their physical appearances, eating and nesting habits, songs and calls.
The Principle Approach® is a Homeschool Method
The Principle Approach to Education is a Homeschool Method that uses the 4 “R”s to place biblical reasoning as the foundation for all learning. This is Part II of a 4 part series on using The Principle Approach in your homeschool.
Homeschool New Year’s Resolutions
Homeschool New Year’s Resolutions – evaluating, rethinking, resetting and making goals for the New Year. A time to regroup and reset your focus!
The Winter Homeschool
The Curriculum Choice authors winter homeschool roundup. Ideas, inspiration and reviews to support your winter homeschool. Includes both indoor and outdoor activities and fun to get your learning this winter!
Our Favorite Homeschool Books
Our favorite homeschool books. What has worked well for learning and simply enjoying in a variety of homeschool settings. Froom the authors at The Curriculum Choice
Making Vocabulary Fun in Your Homeschool
This is a collection from The Curriculum Choice of resources, games, printables, and curriculum to help make vocabulary fun in your homeschool.
Chemical Reactions Activities for Kids: Educational and Fun
This is a collection of chemical reactions activities for kids from The Curriculum Choice that are both educational and fun! Allowing kids to participate in learning with their hands helps them to not only better understand, but to retain for much longer.
5 January Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
5 January Homeschool Family Fun Ideas Use these silly but actual celebrations to make every day a holiday!
Games for Math: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Learn Math
Games for Math: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Learn Math offers up over 50 ideas for making math fun for your kids.