I have a confession to make. I no longer carry a Bible with me to church. We have discovered a stunning Bible application. The Glo Bible, by Immersion Digital. Glo is an interactive digital Bible that brings to life the scriptures with high resolution images, HD video, maps, virtual tours, and customizable reading plans. Glo also has social media features,…
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Building Language: Latin Stems and Roman Architecture
I have heard for so long that using anything by Michael Clay Thompson for language arts instruction is a WISE decision. We are heavily classical in our homeschool, and this fueled our decision to investigate these materials. This year we decided to try Building Language. It has been a solid addition to not only our language arts curriculum, but…
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America: Covenant & Calling – High School Humanities Curriculum
Need an in depth American history curriculum for your high schoolers that teaches biblical principles? Search no more! America: Covenant & Calling will teach the truth behind our American History which is so often difficult to find in most American history curricula today. It covers the years 1492-1860 based on the popular books, The Light and the Glory, From Sea to Shining…
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Seeking True Values by Pathway Publishers
Over the years, we have used a variety of programs for reading comprehension. By far, my favorite has been the Pathway Publisher’s reading series. We began with their book, Busy Times, for grade two. It helped so much with my daughter’s reading comprehension that we continued with the series. Then, a few years later, she asked to do the series…
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Math Splash iPad App Grade 5
We were offered a free code in exchange for a review of the Math Splash App at the 5th grade level. Always looking for ways to add fun to our math lessons I was happy to accept the offer. We’ve played with the app a fair bit to get a good feel of how it works and the abilities that…
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Vicki Bentley’s Home Education 101: A Mentoring Program for New Homeschoolers
In a word: Wow. When I began to think about homeschooling seven years ago, I read and researched and researched and read. Honestly, I wish I’d had this invaluable tool back then. Home Education 101 guides new homeschoolers in the beginning steps of their journey, covering such high-interest subjects as: Organizing your time and your home for a home education…
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Preschool Items from Gentle Shepherd
Don’t miss the giveaway and special discount code at the end! Five readers can win a Preschool Beginning Notebook! I had the opportunity to review two items from Gentle Shepherd ~ the Fuzzy Felt Family and the Preschool Beginning Notebook Set. Both are recommended for preschool age children and both cost $4.00 for a pdf ebook (around 25 pages). The Fuzzy…
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I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God
As my daughter approached sixth grade I began researching independent Bible studies for her. We have morning devotions and study the Bible together in our homeschool. I wanted her, however, to begin developing her personal relationship with God. I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God is a Bible Study written by Karen Mohs. Using the NIV Bible (although…
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The Big Picture Story Bible :: great for preschoolers!
Like many Christian families, our home and family has seen several different children’s Bibles come through our doors. I appreciate Bibles for little minds and hearts that tell things accurately, but not too descriptively on everything. Quite honestly, the Scriptures are not G-rated! In time they’ll read more, but for the littlest ones, about ages 3-7, we’ve found one that…
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Princess Training For the King’s Glory Review
Character development is the most important aspect in our homeschool. Finding a way to teach the material that isn’t preachy or boring however is another story. We’ve used a few different character training devotional that were okay, but we were having a hard time finding one that we absolutely loved. I had the opportunity to review Richele McFarlin’s Princess Training…
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