Being able to communicate effectively in writing is one of our priority homeschool goals. My 6th grade daughter loves the creative aspect of writing, but not the organization and editing. She writes copiously: multi-chapter stories, lengthy narrations, frequent letters to friends. Her stories and letters are written in her free time, so we don’t edit them with a fine-toothed comb….
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Homeschool Planning
When June comes around, I think of two of my favorite things – my garden and my homeschool. And they both require planning! I think of how beautiful my garden might be, when it grows. Then I think of my homeschool. I see the next year stretching out before me, full of possibilities. I imagine how things could go, and what…
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North Star Geography – REVIEW
Geography is one of our family’s FAVORITE subjects! Over the years we have studied everything from map reading and basic navigation to the cultures and customs from countries around the world. We travel when possible to bring our learning to life, use many online resources to conduct research, and lead a homeschool geography co-op so we can learn with our…
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Ready to Go Homeschool Resources on Sale
Do you have a list of homeschool resources you are considering? Well we happen to have some excellent resources on sale! Yes, now is the perfect time to grab some great deals on some of our favorite homeschool curricula! And these happen to be from our review team authors. Do you long to enrich your homeschool with studies of composers…
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The Global Puzzle Review
Memorizing random geography facts is never fun, at least it was never fun for me. So when I think of geography I like to add hands on activities to our homeschool. Puzzles and games are extra fitting for learning geography. It’s not that there isn’t a time for simply memorizing, there is. But I prefer to do something a bit more…
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Writing With Skill Review
My eldest son, now 12, has been desperate for me to teach him to write for a while. I’m very passionate about writing because it hits pretty close to home for me. But truthfully I’ve never been huge on non-fiction writing. It’s not that I can’t do it or that I don’t like doing it, it’s just that I don’t…
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Learn History Through Literature With All Through The Ages
I remember little from history classes in school other than that I struggled to memorize names and dates. My first foray into history as a homeschool mom was a Revolutionary War unit study from Homeschool Share. As we read books together about the fascinating people and dramatic events I realized that history is a great story! From then on I…
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Review: Charley Harper Puzzle and Memory Game
This review contains affiliate links to products I own and love! Puzzles have always been a part of our family time, even when our children were very young. Wooden puzzles with pieces that have handles are a great stepping stone to more grown up puzzles. This month our family had the pleasure of spending time with two young boys….
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A Simple Plan Homeschooling Planner
Confession time: I love planners and I’m a bit of a planner junkie! My newest find is A Simple Plan Homeschooling Planner that I purchased from Mardel for $19.99. I was giddy when it arrived in the mail. I always have high hopes for finding just the right one. I never seem to use the same planner twice. I have…
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Daily Grams Review
It hurt to let it go, our old silver Daily Grams book. It had been a faithful companion through many years of homeschooling and had helped our children so much. Every morning, I would sit on the couch with my latest middle school child and we would spend a few minutes together learning basic grammar and composition skills. Each lesson…
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