Super Snappy Shark Books to Celebrate Shark Week – a collection of both fun and educational books to round out a homeschool shark unit study!
20 Tadpole to Frog Homeschool Resources Your Kids Will Love!
This is a collection of resources for learning about the life cycle of a tadpole to a frog. Includes hands-on activities, books, printables, and videos!
7 Best Tips For Homeschooling Without Feeling Overwhelmed
Tips for Tackling Homeschooling Without Feeling Overwhelmed offers advice and insight into homeschooling with less stress, or at least how to help minimize it!
Typing Practice with TypeDojo
TypeDojo is a FREE online typing program where kids off all ages can gain typing practice and complete typing speed tests.
Homeschool Book Lists By Topic: Perfect For Unit Studies!
Looking for a fun or educational book on a specific topic? Check out these themed book lists! Everything from nature and science to music and art, holidays and more!
Resources for Teaching Homeschool Keyboarding Skills
A collection of resources for teaching homeschool keyboarding & typing skills. Includes both FREE and paid for options, some game like and some more formal.
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program For Kids
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program is a complete homeschool program for kids in Pre-K-2nd grade from the makers of ABC Mouse and Adventure Academy.
Get them Gardening! Fun Garden Books for Kids
Get Them Gardening! Fun Garden Books for Kids is a collection of books about plants, and gardening to get them excited about garden nature studies.
20 Beautiful Easter Books And Resources for Your Homeschool
Loads of Easter Books for your Homeschool! Books to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as well as funny bunny Easter egg hunty books!
Using Math-U-See for Homeschool Math
Come take a look at how to use Math-U-See for Homeschool Math. This is a collection of math-u-see review from our Curriculum Choice Authors.
Life Skills for Homeschoolers: Online Craft Courses for Kids
The Makers Club from Elevation Handmade provides online craft courses for kids (Adults can do it too!) They use videos and print out to teach things like knitting, sewing, clay, and other crafty projects.
Celebrate National Craft Month in Your Homeschool With These Fun Activities
Celebrate National Craft Month in Your Homeschool with These Fun Craft Ideas! Crafts for spring & Easter, nature themed and more!