Discovery Bay Games offers a variety of fun and often educational games for families to share. Their mission is simple: bring friends and family together to play, interact, and laugh! This mom believes they have won victories on all counts. As a homeschooling mother of four with a background in educational psychology, I appreciate games that spark imagination while reinforcing lessons learned … [Read more...] about Language Skills: It’s all a game!
Explorer’s Bible Study: Beginnings II God’s Promise
At the beginning of each school day I read the Bible aloud to the kids, and we work on our memory verses. However, I like to use a curriculum as a supplement to help us delve deeper into the Bible. For my youngest (1st grade), I chose Explorer's Bible Study: Beginnings II ~ God's Promise. God's Promise is an Old Testament (Genesis through Malachi) study written for young readers. This study is … [Read more...] about Explorer’s Bible Study: Beginnings II God’s Promise
Weaver Interlock
Weaver Interlock is a hands-on curriculum for preschoolers and kindergartners made by Alpha-Omega. It offers a flexible, fully outlined lesson plan that covers Creation through the Flood. The program integrates Bible with additional subjects such as science, math, language arts, and social studies. We started using Interlock Weaver as our first curriculum for my oldest as his preschool … [Read more...] about Weaver Interlock
English From the Roots Up
Years ago when I was first introduced to the classical method of homeschooling, I was determined to have my boys attempt a Latin program as suggested in The Well-Trained Mind. We tried two different programs to learn Latin. We got a little farther with a DVD based program, but we still were not able to stay motivated. I know I had a bit of a bad attitude about Latin and at some point I made the … [Read more...] about English From the Roots Up
Ruth Heller’s World of Language Series
We chose Jessie Wise’s First Language Lessons to introduce our daughter to all things grammar. I like the gentle, but persistent approach and the systematic introduction of grammar topics. But the truth is that I wanted more. I wanted to incorporate the living books philosophy that was so much a part of our other subjects. Happily, I stumbled upon a lovely collection of books by Ruth Heller. … [Read more...] about Ruth Heller’s World of Language Series
Usborne Art Treasury
After many years of homeschooling, seven to be exact, I finally made an effort to include art appreciation in our school day. I decided to use The Usborne Art Treasury as our “spine”. The book introduces artists of many genres – from African masks to Vincent van Gogh to Georgia O’Keefe. Each artist is covered on four pages. The first two pages introduce one piece of art and a short biography … [Read more...] about Usborne Art Treasury
Homeschooling for the Rest of Us – A Review
Do you sometimes read homeschool blogs and feel discouraged about your own homeschool? Does a homeschool book fair leave you feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities? Do you sometimes think that you aren't organized enough, creative enough, smart enough, or anything enough to homeschool? If so, you are not alone. I think that all homeschoolers sometimes feel incapable of meeting … [Read more...] about Homeschooling for the Rest of Us – A Review
JumpStart 3D Virtual World: Learning is Virtually Pain Free
JumpStart has been a trusted name in developing quality educational computer games for many years. Moving one step forward they have now developed a 3D virtual world full of games which promote fun and education. The program, targeted for ages 3-10, offers a wide variety of levels to keep all children learning while having fun. While a three-year old may need some help navigating the site, … [Read more...] about JumpStart 3D Virtual World: Learning is Virtually Pain Free
How I Choose Curriculum
Curriculum collects on shelves in our living room and peaks from boxes in the shed. A glance in either place reveals more stuff than we can realistically use. I'm so thankful for the options, but options can paralyze. So how do I choose what to help me teach my children? How did these books end up in our possession instead of others? I search for items that line up with our purpose for … [Read more...] about How I Choose Curriculum
Basic Math Word Problem Tutor DVD
I noticed lately there is a lot of programs and curriculum that have emphasis on fast learning, colorful and entertaining ways to teach and not to teach. My son tends to lean towards fast action shows, and games to keep him interested while my husband and I are trying to move him away from needing this kind of stimulation in order to learn. I was so happy to come across this DVD system … [Read more...] about Basic Math Word Problem Tutor DVD
Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
Yes, that is really the title of this review: Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. It is not a very catchy title but this compact spiral bound book is a powerful tool in helping our children develop better language skills. The basic idea behind this Andrew Pudewa creation is that children need a foundation for correct and sophisticated speech patterns. Our children are … [Read more...] about Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
Real Learning: Education in the Heart of A Home by Elizabeth Foss
On my nightstand next to my Women’s Devotional Bible and the latest issue of my favorite quilt magazine sits a home school how to book I find so full of encouragement and practical advice I refer to it often. Elizabeth Foss’ Real Learning: Education in the Heart of A Home shows us how to use living books and real life experiences to teach our children. If you want your children to love learning … [Read more...] about Real Learning: Education in the Heart of A Home by Elizabeth Foss