A collection of your favorite homeschool curriculum reviews, including ALL our Ultimate Guides by subject, to help you make informed curriculum choices!
Mathematics Their Way: An Activity-Centered Mathematics Program
Mathematics Their Way is an activity-centered mathematics program for the early elementary grades intended to be easy for those with limited math skills to implement.
XtraMath: Free Math Facts Practice For Kids
XtraMath: Free Math Facts Practice offers straight forward, web-based, daily math practice. It’s a math facts fluency program dedicated to helping students learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices
This Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices includes everything from full curriculum options to hands-on activities, wonderful living books, great apps and more!
Supplemental Homeschool Lessons with Elephango
Elephango: Supplemental Homeschool Lessons for grades preK-12. Online lessons in a variety of subjects & easily searchable by multiple topics
Mr. D Math Consumer Math for Homeschoolers
Mr. D, Math Consumer Math for Homeschoolers is a full credit high school course teaching practical things like banking, home buying, taxes and more!
Elementary Horizons Math Review
Horizons Math from Alpha & Omega offers a spiral approach to math with their elementary math curriculum options.
Mastery Online Math Curriculum for Homeschool
CTCMath is a Mastery Online Math Curriculum for Homeschool. In this article learn what mastery and spiral math are, and see some examples of each.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling: Everything You Need For Grades K-12
This Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling is a collection of reviews and resources for K-12 so you can homeschooling at any age with confidence!
Homeschool Math Resource Review: Beyond Numbers
will help you learn how to see and teach math from a biblical worldview in an easy to read and understandable way.
Doing the Preschool Thing At Home – Ways to Make Preschool More Purposeful
Doing the Preschool Thing – a collection of ways to make preschool more purposeful, with suggestions for age appropriate science, math & more
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program For Kids
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program is a complete homeschool program for kids in Pre-K-2nd grade from the makers of ABC Mouse and Adventure Academy.