Learning Language Arts Through Literature is a solid grounding in grammar, writing, vocabulary and lots of wonderful classical literature.
10 Steps for Homeschoolers Preparing for College
10 Steps for Homeschoolers Preparing for College. Taking it one step at a time helps take the stress out of the process!
How To Use The Notebooking Publisher In Your Homeschool
The Notebooking Publisher from Notebooking Pages.com allows you to create your own notebooking pages, copywork pages, printables, and more!
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program For Kids
Homeschool+ Online Learning Program is a complete homeschool program for kids in Pre-K-2nd grade from the makers of ABC Mouse and Adventure Academy.
Get them Gardening! Fun Garden Books for Kids
Get Them Gardening! Fun Garden Books for Kids is a collection of books about plants, and gardening to get them excited about garden nature studies.
Using Raddish Kitchen Science Box In Your Homeschool
Use Raddish Kitchen Science Boxes in your homeschool for a fun and educational homeschool science activity that brings learning to life!
The Poetry Homeschool
The Poetry Homeschool – Curriculum Choice authors share favorite poems and poetry resources so that your family can enjoy poetry too!
A Charlotte Mason Notebooking Resource You Will Love!
Notebooking Success is an ebook notebooking resource to help you learn how to successfully use notebooking in your homeschool.
SPEED! A Skip Counting Game for Homeschool Math
SPEED! A Skip Counting Game teaches kids to skip-count which leads directly into multiplication. The game is good for kids ages 4-12 and perfect for kids 7-10.
Great Books Homeschool Video Courses for High School
Invite master teachers into your home with Great Books Homeschool Video Courses from Compass Classroom. These Western Culture courses equal two high school credits each! One for literature and one for history! A review from The Curriculum Choice
20 Beautiful Easter Books And Resources for Your Homeschool
Loads of Easter Books for your Homeschool! Books to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as well as funny bunny Easter egg hunty books!
Funnix Online Reading Program for Homeschoolers
Funnix Online Reading Program for Homeschoolers is an affordable, and fun web-based subscription learning program for K-2 learners.