We are studying United States History this school year and I decided we needed some fun resources to add to our studies. US History Resources from Dover Publications offer many fun options, so I decided to give them a try. My boys are first through sixth graders and there are many options available that appealed to each of them. ~ Don’t…
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The Passport Club: Give Them the World {Review}
Are you looking for a way for your students to learn the world’s countries over the course of one school year? Do you want to instill the curiosity to learn more about the cultural geography of our world? Are you looking for a geography program that is adaptable to multiple age levels – both elementary and middle school? Look no…
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Earn College Credits with CLEP Test Prep
My little girl is all grown up and will be graduating this year. My how our precious homeschooling years have flown! Just this month, we registered her for college. My baby will be a college freshman in the fall! We’ve known the entire year that she would attempt to CLEP out of at least one or two college courses before…
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Explore and Learn Science with Dover Publications
This month my middle school daughter started into the human body section of her Apologia General Science studies. Perfect timing because we’ve added in some really fun learning activities to that. We decided to explore and learn science with Dover Publications human body resources. A unit study! Let me tell you more… ~Don’t miss the discount code plus the giveaway…
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Science Wiz Kits – My Review
Are you looking for fun, creative learning activities for a cold winter day? The folks at Science Wiz have a number of options for you, and it’s all hands-on science fun! Suck an egg into a bottle. Learn about states of matter and make candles. Capture a CO2 explosion and more! Science Wiz kits, made by Science Wiz, were first…
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Sociology: Online High School Electives from Textile Learning
Textile Learning offers online high school elective courses to homeschoolers and independent learners. Each semester long course includes academically rigorous and engaging content as well as various options for tests and assessments. This year I have been reminded that beginning the homeschool high school journey can be a bit overwhelming! We have been homeschooling all along and this year, when…
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Thrively – What is Your Child’s Genius?
What is Thrively? Thrively is a free website designed to help you discover your child’s strengths and personality. You will find activities that cater to your child based on their assessment results. Your child will take an assessment to determine where his strengths and passions are, and then receive personalized recommendations for activities. You will receive occasional email updates with relevant activities and opportunities, including local…
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Homeschool Conventions and Conferences for You!
A very big part of continuing education for the homeschool parent is homeschool conventions and conferences. Now is the season! I am sharing three favorites today – all of which are coming up very quickly! Affiliate links – for homeschool events I personally adore – are included in this post. So if you click through and purchase a ticket to…
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Eat Your Way Through the USA
One of our favorite methods for studying geography is cooking our way around the world. Through food, we’re not just learning random facts, we’re experiencing cultures too. As we create and eat these popular dishes, we feel a special connection to the people from different lands and states. Most years I coordinate our geography studies with our history lessons. This year,…
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Homeschool in the Woods Knights Lap-Pak Review
I was contacted by Homeschool In The Woods (HSITW) and offered one of their lovely new products, Lap-Paks, to try out in exchange for an honest review. I’m not generally one to accept free products in exchange for reviews {I’ve said that before haven’t I?!} because I often stress over getting the review done or liking the items. ~ Don’t…
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