Today I have the privilege of introducing our June sponsor, Home Art Studio! We’ve been sharing this wonderful resource with you throughout this academic year. Please see our full disclosure policy. Plus, don’t miss the giveaway at the end of a full set of curriculum – all available grades!
As part of the wonderful Home Art Studio DVD curriculum we’ve enjoyed we recently went on a virtual art museum field trip. What a wonderful bonus on the 3rd grade DVD – to have your very own art teacher give you a tour of an art museum!
That is just one of the many bonus features and lessons you will find on Home Art Studio DVDs. But don’t take it just from me, I’m sharing many reviews today…
Home Art Studio Reviews at Curriculum Choice
Over the last months, many of our authors also had the pleasure of using Home Art Studio in their homes. In case you missed any of them, I’ll share them below:
Kindergarten – review by Daniele of Domestic Serenity: A Personal Art Teacher: “I really appreciated the videos show top-down shots of the projects as well. The camera varies from the teacher talking to the student, to looking over her shoulder, to top-down and back again!”
Second Grade – review by Heather at UpsideDown Homeschooling: “Even this “very art challenged” mother was able to draw a dog using Ms. Volin’s technique! I was impressed!! My daughters LOVE this program. Even my youngest who typically wants nothing to do with art is now asking to do art first thing in the morning!”
Third Grade – review by Tricia at Hodgepodge ‘Home Art Studio for Multiple Ages: “Would you appreciate a simple and easy way to add art to your days? Home Art Studio offers just that. With Home Art Studio, all I needed to do was clear the table, gather the supplies, put on the DVD – and the children came. I chose the third grade curriculum simply because the theme, Be Creative, appealed to us all.”
Fourth Grade review by Daniele of Domestic Serenity: “The projects are age-appropriate and extra information presented on general art or artists informative, but not overwhelming. Projects can done whenever you choose! DVDs can be purchased individually and supplies will be found at a local craft or art store. Since many supplies are used for a variety of grade levels, families can share from child to child.”
Fifth Grade review by Heather W. of Blog, She Wrote: “Infused with the directions on the art projects, are facts about the types of art and medium as Ms. Volin introduces a new concept.”
As you can see, many of the families of our review team have thoroughly enjoyed Home Art Studio!
Special Discount for Curriculum Choice Readers
Details are follows:
You can buy all 6 grade level DVDs or a mixture of 6 for the price of 5! Use code HAS6FOR5 only at
Add all 6 dvd’s to the cart (or a mixture of 6)
· MUST enter coupon code: HAS6for5
· You will receive $25.00 off your order making one FREE
· Valid on the sku’s: V07219, V07229, V07357, V07558, V09316, V09318
Online only. Not valid in any retail store location.
Expires: June 30th
Now for the giveaway!
~Homeschooling for a dozen years now, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children from preschool to high school. She shares a mixture of art lessons, recipes and helpful homeschool habits at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve (who writes app and technology reviews), are co-owners of Curriculum Choice.
We really need these videos at my home! Thanks for the reviews and giveaway!
I have been trying to find a program for our homeschool for art, since I’m definitely not qualified to teach it 🙂 This sounds great! We would love to win this, thank you!
I love all the different projects that are available on these DVD’s painting, drawing, mixed media. They are great projects!
I’m most looking forward to the excitement art will bring to our homeschool days, and that my kids can learn from someone experienced! I have avoided teaching art and these dvds look like the answer to my problem!
We love taking virtual field trips and what a wonderful feature of this program to have an art teacher guide us through an art museum!
My daughter would li ve these.
This is my first year homeschooling. The more you share on this program the more I want it for the family artist and the rest of us as well. I love the museum aspect also. Art museums are one of my favorite travel destinations. I may not have much personal skill but my appreciation for art is high and I would love to share that with my kids. What a blessing winning this would be!
We’d love to try out the second grade curriculum because the theme would fascinate my daughter!
wow, my dd is turing 8 this wk and she would love, love this and the supply kits are great
I’m most looking forward to simply seeing the wonderful art that my daughters will create. They are constantly asking to do art and this will give me get out of my “crayon and coloring book” rut.
I’m most looking forward to the variety of material covered, and the background info on particular artists, seeing their work in museums where they are not just printed on a page, but shown in depth and to scale.
I am most looking forward to my kids being taught art with a real art teacher without the cost of a private art teacher. Thanks for the giveaway!
We have used Home Art Studio This year and LOVE it! I just ordered the dvd for next year. I am looking forward to my children going through each and every dvd as they are excellent! Even my 14 yo son likes to participate!
I like the way that the program, especially in the younger years, has a theme to it.
I like how I don’t have to have any art experience! That would be a huge benefit in our homeschool.
My son loves to draw, but I am looking forward to introducing new medium to him!
I’ve been hoping to incorporate more art in school this year and this program might do the trick. Can anyone tell me how time consuming each lesson is? And I was also hoping to use the same year for a kindergartner and 1st grader…realistic or no?
This would be such a blessing since I am not artistically-inclined. Love the painting and drawing DVDs.
Thank you for the giveaway.
We would love to add this to our homeschool program!
We just finished our first year of homeschooling. I asked my boys to sit down with me and do an informal review of the year…what went well, what could be better next year, etc. The number one thing both boys want more of is ART!!! I think adding this to our homeschool would be just what they need! : )
My children would love these!
I would love to win this for my daughter!
I have been looking for an art instruction curriculum for some time now to give my kids more fulfilling art instruction. I would LOVE to win this because I think it looks perfect for us!
Just started Homeschooling and I want to make sure we taking a well-rounded approach. My daughter loves crafting and just started painting and drawing so this would be great to explore beyond those mediums.
I am most looking forward to creating and learning about art along with my children!
Would absolutely love to get this! Biggest complaint my girls have is about art. I’m not really a big artist, my hubby is better at it than I am but his work schedule doesn’t give him the wiggle room to teach them. This would be perfect for us. I can learn along with the girlies! lol
We’ve just started using the Kindergarten level. My son really likes it so far, and he is NOT a crafty kid. He learned about the primary colors and how they mix to make other colors. He’ll tell you all about it if you ask him! He really retained the information. 🙂
I’m looking forward to seeing what my kids can do! They are so creative and with a little instruction I think they will be excited about what they can do.
I’ve been looking into this series for our 2013/2014 school year. Looked for it at our local homeschool store, but they didn’t have it. I think this is just what we need to keep us motivated in learning about art. 🙂
I was already planning to get these for this next year.
Review at
The ONLY cons – no art history, not all materials listed
in teacher’s notes or materials list, and my kids
complain that all the work comes out the same or
exceedingly similar, Jerry art markers stink
Pro – excellent price point, fun to post and get teacher feedback
I’m always looking for something we can use to do art. I never took formal lessons so teaching the technical stuff is hard for me, but we love doing art in our home and this would be wonderful to include in our lessons!
My daughter really needs these! Art is not something I am good with and I could really use something like this to make sure my child is getting enough art time in during the school year.
This would be perfect. I am scratching my head over how to include art in first grade without the “craft”
We would love this! My daughter will be starting Kindergarten next year and LOVES art but I am not so creative. What a great way for her to learn and do what she enjoys!
My son *loves* to draw. I’m looking forward to him learning that other styles of art are just as enjoyable!
I love that the lessons are step by step for the kids to follow!
her easy to follow dvd’s look great! I love the colorful variety of mediums she works with
I love that it is an inclusive curriculum that includes hands on projects, with art appreciation and art history.
My 9yo daughter loves art…it would be wonderful to have this art curriculum for her.
I would LOVE to win these for my daughters homeschool art.
I have put these on my wish list. I would love to try out one video to see if it would be a good fit for me and my five kids. They look great!
My art adoring girls would LOVE this. Hoping we win!
Our youngest will be a senior this year, but I would love to win this for my 5 grandchildren!
I am looking forward to using this in our homeschool this year! Art got lost last year, she was in a hybrid school with no art. 🙁 , and it has made both of us sad.
I love the fact that they are videos! My son is a visual learner and this would be wonderful to have for next year! thanks for the opportunity to win!
This art collection looks like the answer to my prayers. I have such a hard time putting together projects, and thinking of the art skills that I need to teach!