In this age of technology it is of ever growing importance to be sure your children are able to use the technology put forth in front of them in an efficient manner. One of the skills required to do this is keyboarding (or typing). To help you do this I have put together a collection of homeschool keyboarding resources (both free and paid for).

Resources for Teaching Homeschool Keyboarding Skills
FREE Homeschool Keyboarding Programs
1. Dance Mat Typing
Dance Mat Typing is a fun online program provided by the BBC. BBC Bitesize is an online study support website for children of all ages. There are many other fun, helpful programs so be sure to look around the Bitesize webpage for more helpful resources.
2. TypeDoJo
TypeDojo offers 100% free typing lessons. Better yet, you don’t even have to register an account with them! (But you can if you want it to track your progress!) All you have to do is visit the site and begin typing with TypeDojo.
{Full Curriculum Choice Review of TypeDojo Coming in May!}
3. KidzType
KidzType is a free website that uses typing games to teach touch typing to kids. It includes a myriad of learning levels, games, practice options and even a test option where they can earn a certificate to print!
4. TypingClub
TypingClub is another FREE Program to assist you with learning and improving your touch typing skills. Practice each lesson over and over to get all five stars.
Homeschool Keyboarding Programs For A Cost
1. Typesy
You can use Typesy no matter where we are. Typesy stores everything in the cloud and all your computers automatically stay in sync. You get unlimited installs on all your Windows, Mac, iPad and Chomebook devices. Start training on one device, and continue right where you left off on the next. Typsey also trains multiple skills and keeps track of all your progress.
2. Type Write Touch Typing
Type Write Touch Typing and Typing Practice Pages can be used for a full 180-day typing course. By the end of Touch Typing, children will be able to type reasonably well, and the practice pages will ensure review while also exposing the children to interesting information. The only thing this course is missing is typing numbers and their associated symbols, but few courses teach these well.
3. Keyboarding Without Tears
Used with grades K-5 and can be implemented on both iPads and computers. You can try a Sample Lesson at their website.
4. TypeKids
In TypeKids your student is the main character in a treasure hunt with Captain Forty (a pirate). Every time a certain number of exercises are completed more of the story is revealed. They earn coins along the way to unlock various games. Playing the games at the end of each lesson is one of the things my 8 year old daughter loves most!
More Homeschool Help for the Digital Age
Homeschooling in the Digital Age – We are living in a heavily digital based world. You can order food online, use an app to deposit checks, apply for jobs online, go to college online and SO MUCH MORE! As homeschoolers, having the Internet and all that it comes with offers us many more resources than our predecessors had access to. Using digital resources can save time and money in an otherwise full schedule of homeschooling and parenting.
Homeschool Screen Time – screen time management, thoughts on screen time, ways to use screen time and more!
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