Life of Fred Fractions: The story of fractions has never been told like this. If you are looking for an out of the box, fun and engaging way to teach fractions, then be sure to check out Life of Fred Fractions!

About Life of Fred Fractions
Life of Fred Fractions is one of five books in the “Before High School Mathematics” series. These books feature arithmetic & pre-algebra books for late elementary and middle school ages (grades 5-8).
Our Experience with Life of Fred Fractions
I have so many wonderful things to say about Life of Fred that I hardly know where to begin! So, let’s start at the beginning: the table of contents.
Inside Life of Fred Fractions:
The book is divided into 32 chapters with a Bridge or review that appears after every five chapters. The chapters are laid out in a logical fashion each building on the one before while reviewing past skills for reinforcement.
This is a very interesting math book as it is not simply a textbook but a story as well. My daughter is very creative and a visual learner; therefore she can be very abstract in her thinking at times. For her, seeing equations sitting in front of her in black and white made her head spin with boredom and frustration. However, Life of Fred, not only hits on traditional methods by providing problems to solve but tickles the mind of an abstract thinker by using a story to format or picture the how and why behind the equation.
The chapters are laid out in easy chunks with drawings and a storyline to break things up. A student of math needs to understand the real life applications in order to gain a full understanding. Life of Fred provides this for the student.
Who is Fred?
So who is Fred? Fred is a 5 ½ year old boy who takes your child on a journey through fractions. The child studies fractions through Fred’s life experiences. Fred is a boy genius who teaches math on a college level. His stories are adorable and present real life scenarios which are solved my math. Each chapter engages the student with real life applications and short but challenging math equations to solve.
Stand Alone or Supplement?
Although I listed this a stand alone, I will warn you that what I really mean is that you use this book to supplement or you supplement the book. Meaning?
If you have a student that needs extra practice in fractions this is a terrific way to rehash without the student feeling like she is rehashing.
Or if you use this book as your primary source, take note the practices are very short and you may have to assign more work or use manipulatives to ensure a proper understanding. If you have a student who learns quickly and does not require much extra work then this may be a perfect fit.
Where to Buy Life of Fred Books
I would be remiss to fail to mention that the author, Stanley F. Schmidt, is a delightful man. I ordered the book directly from his site, which is the best method.
But you can also buy it at:
Dr. Schmidt encourages you to email him with any questions. I emailed him to let him know that my daughter, who hated fractions, started to read this on her own and didn’t put it down until chapter 5, in one sitting. I just had to thank the man who created a book that inspired my daughter in fractions! He emailed me back right away with a very kind note thanking me for my comments. So, if you are looking for an engaging math book, I encourage you to try Life of Fred!
Using Life of Fred for Homeschool Math
Are you looking for an out of the box math program? Do you think your child would love reading a story to learn about math? In the Life of Fred books, five year old Fred Gauss teach math at KITTENS University in Kansas. And he makes everything an adventure! Check out all the details in…Using Life of Fred for Homeschool Math.
Life of Fred math is a literature based approach to math. It is a COMPLETE math program that relies upon the self-teaching learning style so many of us homeschoolers use.
~ Originally published October 2009, written by Richele, classical and Charlotte Mason inspired, homeschooling mom, to four reflections of God’s love.
Thanks for this review. I only hear good things about these books. The Life of Fred series is on my wishlist for 2010. It sounds like a perfect fit for my visual-spatial, creative daughter!
.-= Jimmie´s last blog ..Hands-On Homeschool Carnival =-.
My oldest is using this and LOVES it! He literally laughs out loud while he’s reading his math lesson. No complaining about math this year. The verdict is still out on how much extra practice he will need if we continue the program. The Fractions book is mainly review for him so he’s been doing well with it. Ditto on how wonderful the author is too. Very friendly and very helpful.
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..The Amazing Bible Timeline =-.
My daughter hated math until we discovered Life of Fred. Now, it is the first subject she grabs in the school day! It has really turned things around for her, (and me 😉
.-= Loni´s last blog ..Creative Worship =-.
Great review. I have always wanted to know more about the Life of Fred series. I may have to look into it for next year. I love the author’s writing style and humor. 🙂
Thank you for this great review! I have had Life of Fred: Fractions on my wish list for a while now and was just about to order it. Your review made me that much more positive about ordering this series starting with the Fractions volume.
.-= MangoMama´s last blog ..oy… it’s been so long =-.
I’ve got two Life of Fred volumes, and Sprite has started Fractions. We’ve only done 3 chapters, but so far so good. She likes it! And although the problems are tough, there are only a handful of them.
.-= Jimmie´s last blog ..First Real Book Report =-.
How is Life of Fred going for everyone? Are you supplementing it, or is it going fine without supplements? Just curious for next year. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your review Richele!! I have been looking for reviews lately… I was stuck on what to use for my boy for this coming school year. I will start with Life of Fred for my 7th grader… we will start with the Fractions/ Decimals & Percentages….probably use the first half of the year and then begin on Pre-Alegbra. He is good at math, but we are going into our second year of homeschooling and review (even in 7th grade) doesn’t hurt!! 🙂 I am excited to use Life of Fred—and I pray it’s a LASTING relationship!!! Love the price and the website. Thanks!