Ideas for Celebrating Unique Holidays In February
The month of love may be short on the calendar, but that just means you’ll need to go the extra mile to squeeze in as much love and hugs and affection with the family before the month ends! Find as many ways to convey love to your family with fun activities and memory-making opportunities. Make heartwarming memories during the cool days of February with some of the wacky, but real, holiday ideas below or create unique ones that are just right for your family. Share the love all month long with these February homeschool fun ideas.

February Homeschool Fun
1. Great American Pie Month
Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie Recipe
Create this delightful chocolate chip cookie pie with the family for dessert.
- Melt one cup of butter and set aside to cool.
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- In a large bowl, beat two eggs until frothy.
- Add one-half cup all purpose flour, one-half cup granulated sugar and one-half cup brown sugar.
- Beat with mixer until well-blended.
- Blend in cooled, melted butter.
- Add one cup of miniature semi-sweetened chocolate chips.
- Pour into a deep-dish, uncooked pie shell and bake for one hour.
- Allow to cool and top with ice cream before serving.
2. National Bird Feeding Month
Backyard Bird Feeder
Work together to make this bird feeder for the back yard.
- Punch four holes near the edge of a paper plate, at the 3, 6, 9 and 12 marks if viewing the plate as a clock.
- Place the plate inside a wicker paper plate holder, found at most dollar stores.
- Cut four, eighteen-inch length pieces of sturdy twine. Tie a knot in one end of each piece.
- Thread the unknotted end through the bottom of the wicker holder and through each hole.
- Pull until the knot is touching the bottom of the wicker paper plate holder.
- Gather the four unknotted ends and tie together in a tight knot. This serves as the hanger for the bird feeder.
- Work on a flat surface and spread peanut butter over the paper plate with a spatula and then sprinkle wild bird seed over the peanut butter, pressing in gently with the palm of the hand or fingertips.
- Hang the feeder outside on a low-hanging limb.
Spend some bird-watching time outside as a family over the next couple of days and try to identify the winged visitors. While birdwatching, take turns reading about birds in the Bible and pick one or more of these verses to memorize.
And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” Genesis 1:20 ESV; Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26 ESV; But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 ESV; I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine. Psalm 50:11 ESV; Who provides for the raven its prey, when its young ones cry to God for help, and wander about for lack of food? Job 38:41 ESV; Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Luke 12:6 ESV.
3. Valentine’s Day
Play Valentine Heart Bean Bag Toss
Let each person in the family draw large hearts on construction paper in a variety of Valentine-like colors.
Cut out the hearts and write love notes to family members on the hearts. Also, pick ‘points’ to write on each heart, like 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20.
On one heart, write John 3:16 NKJV: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Use masking or painters tape to stick the hearts to the floor in a large, open room. Then take turns tossing bean bags or rolled up socks onto the floor, attempting to land the bean bags or socks onto a heart.
Tally up the points for each person for bean bags or socks that touch a heart. Bean bags (or socks) that land on the Bible verse heart receive 50 points!
Count points and decide on a winner. Let the winner pick a Valentine dessert treat for the family to share!
4. Random Acts of Kindness Week
The name of this holiday is self-explanatory and should be celebrated every week of the year, but a designated week each year brings about even more awareness to kindness!
Practice deliberate acts of kindness throughout the whole month and start an attitude of kindness for every day.
Brainstorm as a family some things to do that would show kindness to family members, neighbors, friends, co-op friends, church friends, or total strangers.
Plan to accomplish lots of the ideas this month together as a family, and encourage each family member to do some of the suggestions secretly, too, to surprise family members with kind actions!
Memorize this verse to celebrate the holiday. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 KJV
5. Library Lovers’ Month
Take a family field trip to the library and pick out a new chapter book to read together.
Start the first chapter in a cozy spot in the library and then complete the book by reading a chapter each night at home.
Memorize this verse about all the grand things Jesus did, that not even the largest library could hold the books with all the details! Jesus did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25 NLT
Be sure to use every spare moment in February to show family members just how much you love and treasure them! Remember that love comes from God and be generous in sharing that love with precious family members! Happy February!
Take advantage of every day this month! Leave sticky-notes with accolades on bathroom mirrors doors, place small gifts on pillows, give verbal affirmations freely and find fun activities to create lasting memories with those you love. Add some of these silly, but actual, holiday celebrations to the family fun this month and throw in a few unique family ones, too.
This month you can celebrate things like:
- Read Aloud Day
- International Friendship Week
- Chili Day
The month of love may be short on the calendar, but that just means you’ll need to go the extra mile to squeeze in as much love and hugs and affection with the family before the month ends!
Find as many ways to convey love to your family with fun activities and memory-making opportunities. Make heartwarming memories during the cool days of February with some of these wacky, but real, holiday ideas!
Things like:
- National Bird Feeding Month
- National Kindness Week
- Library Lover’s Month
Squeeze in all the February homeschool family fun ideas you can think of in just twenty-eight days! Warm up hearts this winter with the cool celebrations below and make every day a holiday.
Celebrate things like:
- National Hot Breakfast Month
- Umbrella Day
- Love Your Pet Day
In February we observe multiple Presidential birthdays as well as the national holiday, Presidents’ Day. The Curriculum Choice authors are here with a wealth of inspiration for you to study the American Presidents with this Homeschool Presidential Studies compilation.
This fun craft is sure to bring a smile to a friend or loved ones face this Valentine’s Day. Easy to do and you probably already have all the supplies in your house!
The Best Homeschool Valentine’s Day Ideas
Includes ideas for crafts, games, books, recipes, hands-on activities, FREE Printables and more!
The days are shorter, the temperatures dipping below what can be called comfortable and for some of us, knee deep in snow and ice. Enjoy these outdoor and indoor activity ideas this winter!
Check Out All the Month and Season Ideas Here at TCC
Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year! Make learning fun by using monthly themed homeschool activities. Learn and explore based on the seasons, celebrate silly holidays, and more!
Written by Julie Lavender loves excuses to celebrate and share love with her family. She is wife to David, mommy to four now-adult children, and grandmommy to two-year-old Benaiah. Julie enjoyed compiling many of the ways she showed love to her children in her parenting book, 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories, published by Revell. She’d love to connect with you at and on social media.
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