Grammar is one of those necessary subjects that isn’t always the most fun to do. Easy Grammar makes it a little easier to complete what can be a daunting task. Easy Grammar is a grade-by-grade program, teaching kids the essentials of grammar. There is about 180 lessons in each book, making for one easy lesson a day. Each lesson only…
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Research in Increments
Research in Increments by Susan Kemmerer is a wonderful tool for your students who are learning to write a research paper. Written directly to the student, the lessons lead your child through a step-by-step process of: choosing a research topic narrowing down the topic’s direction using index cards to keep track of sources and information gathered creating a bibliography interviewing…
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The Answers Book for Kids, Volumes 1-4
Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons? – Kimberly W., age 7, Georgia When God created the earth, were the trees fully grown, or were they baby trees? If they were full grown, did they have growth rings? – Chris J., age 11, California How did all the dinosaurs fit on the ark? – Abby G., age 6, New Mexico If…
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Apologia High School Science
Homeschooling parents used to send their teens to school, feeling they couldn’t provide quality high school science instruction at home. That hasn’t been necessary since Dr. Jay L. Wile wrote and revised his Apologia high school texts. These excellent, Creation-based courses are clear enough to be essentially self-teaching, even though they cover difficult material. In fact, as a scientist, I…
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Positive Action for Christ
Reviewed Item: Positive Action for Christ—The Life of Christ School Level: Middle School–High School Product by: Positive Action for Christ Product Description: To many people Christ is merely a historical fact, rather than a living, personal reality. We know that Christ lived, and we know much about what He did; however, even we as Christians seldom experience His presence as…
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By the Great Horn Spoon – California Gold Rush
We have loved many books this year as we have done our unit studies. One reason we love reading a literature selection in a unit study is it makes the time period or information come alive. Today I want to tell you about one that my children still can tell you all about even though we read it 8 months ago. …
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Piano Course for Christians
I had the pleasure of reviewing the entire Madonna Woods Piano Course for Christians from the Preparatory Level all the way through Level 5. The first question everyone always seems to ask is, “Will I really be able to teach piano to my children using this course?” My quick answer is, “Yes, I believe many people will.” If you have…
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Patricia St. John Books
I love sharing great authors with you – authors that you can almost always assume will provide a wonderful living literature experience for you and your children. Patricia St. John is one of these authors. Ms. St. John (1919-1993) was first an English missionary in Morocco where she worked in a medical mission trying to win the hearts of Muslim…
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Exploring Creation with General Science
Warning: LONG review, but worth it (I think!) Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Edition is a 7th or 8th grade science curriculum that I have been very impressed with! Written from a Biblical perspective, 32 lessons cover a broad range of introductory science themes that will give your child a solid knowledge base when entering into higher level science…
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Illustrated Family Bible
Our family uses the Bible itself as our main Bible curriculum. Every few years, however, we pull out the Illustrated Family Bible. With its stunning, historically accurate illustrations and informative side panels, it always gives us a fresh view of all those familiar stories. Currently we are going through this Bible for the third or fourth time as a family. …
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