Ambleside Online has influenced our family in many ways, not the least by introducing us to great books. One that we’ve been using for many years is English Literature for Boys and Girls by H.E. Marshall, written in 1909. We are blessed to have a century-old copy for our children, complete with roughly cut pages and sturdy binding. In 85…
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Discovery Toys “Busy Bugs”
We LOVE Discovery Toys! Ever heard of them? They’ve been around for many, many years and they have a bunch of fun, educational toys for infants to adults. One of our most favorite is Busy Bugs! They make learning so much fun! The set consists of 35 bugs and 23 cards. There are several ways you can use it. You can have your…
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Anomia (uh-NO-mee-uh) – Noun – Problem with word finding or recall. 2. Chaos. 3. The game where common knowledge becomes uncommonly fun! I was in a Toy Store in Newport, Oregon, looking for Chemistry supplies while the boys played with all of the board games. You could hear them exclaim over games we no longer have, favorites of their friends,…
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Stepping Stones Together
I am so happy to introduce you to a wonderful curriculum to teach your child how to read, Stepping Stones Together. This is a beginning, online, reading program which claims to teach your child to read in 90 days. Stepping Stones Together can be used by any child who knows the alphabet, (out of order, both upper and lower case) most…
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Math Gamsology
Geometry Algebra Measurement Statistics What is GAMSology? A board game developed by a math teacher to help practice math facts for elementary, middle and high school students. Quite simply, players draw a card and show it to the person on their left. The player on the left solves the math equation on the card. If correct (as determined by the…
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New Millennium Girls Creative Writing for Tweens Review
Crafty. Creative. Busy. Reader. Writer. Tween. Do you have one of those too? Yes, I have a tween girl who thrives on creative projects. So when we had a chance to review the New Millenium Girls Creative Writing Bundle by Jan May, I knew it was for us. What’s included in the bundle? (Each of the following. Each also available…
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Winter Promise All American 1
A Bit of Background: For the 2011 school year my family decided to make a change in our curriculum. If you’ve read my blog before you’ll know we’re Five In A Row fans, and after 4 years of their curriculum with my eldest it was time to move forward to give him something a bit meatier for his grade level. After…
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Sing, Spell, Read and Write
Sing, Spell, Read and Write is a curriculum that I had the joy of being introduced to in the very beginning of our homeschooling adventure. Now, I am in the trenches of this program with my second child. This child learns 100% differently than my first and I am beaming at his success with reading and writing. What type of…
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Playful Learning-Develop Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder
What a treat for the eyes and a delight to the heart! I LOVE this book and any mom who is looking for ways to build on play-based learning, this book is a gem. The book, Playful Learning by Mariah Bruehl, will help you create an atmosphere of learning by building spaces and providing activities that spark creativity and fun….
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Thank You to Our Top February Referrers
Here at The Curriculum Choice we are grateful to you, our readers. Today we are sending a special thank you to our top ten referrers for February. We appreciate your support! Pinterest – Thank you for pinning our reviews! Did you know you can follow The Curriculum Choice on Pinterest? It is a visual of all our our review categories,…
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