When my daughter was in the elementary years, she was all about penguins. Then it was other animals like polar bears, snakes, and even mice. She loved going to the library to check out books about them. So I structured her science and English around these interests as much as I could. One day after co-op, we stopped at the…
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Essay Rock Star: The Expository Essay – REVIEW
Writing essays has never been my children’s favorite school activity. They love to talk and share ideas, but trying to get those ideas down on paper has been a bit of a challenge. Since we are wrapping up our middle school studies and looking forward to high school level work I knew it was important to help my children address…
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Charles Dickens Review
Don’t miss the giveaway at the end! As a Charlotte Mason inspired and influenced homeschool, reading a bit of Charles Dickens has been a regular part of our read aloud time over the years. However, I did find in the early years that it was a challenge for my young children to understand his writing. I wish that at that…
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Wrapping Up a Homeschool Year – Storage Ideas & Graduation
It’s that time of year again, can you believe it? Many homeschool families are reaching the end of their books and thinking about wrapping up the school year. Some of you may even have a child who is wrapping up their entire homeschool career! This month, the authors here at The Curriculum Choice want to share with you lots of…
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A Reason for Handwriting Review
A Reason for Handwriting has been a mainstay over the majority of our homeschooling years. We have tried two other handwriting resources but have always come back to this one. Why? Pictured above are the levels we’ve enjoyed this year: K, 2nd grade and 6th grade. Why We Love A Reason for Handwriting One workbook – all in one spot….
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Write From … History
Late last year author, Kimberly Garcia, contacted and asked if we’d be interested in reviewing any of her books in the Write From History series. Did we ever! One look told me that my boys would enjoy them and I wasn’t mistaken at all. The books are wonderfully done and written with the homeschooler in mind. They are geared, especially,…
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Amazing Apostles’ Creed Catholic VBS Review
“Exploring the simple beauties and richness of the Catholic faith fosters children’s knowledge and love of Jesus.” Each summer my children looked forward to attending Vacation Bible School at our parish. It was one of the highlights of their summer! Most of the parishes in our area used a non-Catholic program. Nothing wrong with that of course, the over-arching theme…
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A Healthier You by A Beka Books
It seems to be that time of year again, when we begin to think about the coming year, and our children’s needs for curriculum. One of the areas that I sometimes have missed in our homeschool has been in health education. We have always added PE into the mix, but did not start working with a health curriculum itself until…
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Elemental Science – Biology for the Grammar Stage
My son is five years old this school year and I decided at the beginning of the year to include science into our curriculum plans. We had done lots of Charlotte Mason style nature studies in his preschool years, but I wanted to be a little more formal this year. At the same time, I wanted something simple enough that…
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Review – Nature School
** Don’t miss the exciting giveaway opportunity at the end of this post! ** In April 2013, I wrote a review here on The Curriculum Choice on a delightful little book called Nature Adventures. The authors of the book were kind enough to give me a copy to giveaway in my review. Well, a little while after that they sent…
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