My seventh grader is gaining a fantastic overview of science from Apologia General Science. “… Be prepared to be awed and amazed with what the Creator has made for you!”
We received these Apologia General Science resources in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we love the benefits and blessings we are continuing to see from middle school science study. Please see our disclosure policy.
Middle school is the time to practice building independent learning. Plus school subjects and assignments grow in length. Middle schoolers grow in their thinking abilities and at the same time, accountability. Apologia’s General Science text – paired with the companion Notebooking Journal is a perfect combination of tools for learning a general overview of science. But also for practicing note taking, recording observations and following directions.
If that sounds complicated, it’s not. The Notebooking Journal is step-by-step and makes it so easy for the student to follow – and that, my friends, is a blessing for homeschool parents!
Our General Science Homeschool Studies Include These Apologia Resources
“This course is designed to be a student’s first systematic introduction to the sciences.”
Apologia General Science Text
The General Science text has 16 modules – each taking about two weeks to complete. Each module contains:
- Introduction
- Topic(s)
- Own Your Own Questions
- Several Experiments
The topics include:
- Module #1: A Brief History of Science
- Module #2: Scientific Inquiry
- Module #3: How to Analyze and Interpret Experiments
- Module #4: Science, Applied Science and Technology
- Module #5: The History of Life – Archaeology, Geology, and Paleontology
- Module #6: Foundations of Geology
- Module #7: The Fossil Record
Our middle schooler’s General Science experiments usually draw a crowd of siblings!
- Module #8: Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism
- Module #9: What is Life?
- Module #10: Classifying Life
- Module #11: The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
- Module #12: Energy and Life
- Module #13: The Human Digestive System
- Module #14: The Human Respiratory and Circulatory System
- Module #15: The Human Lymphatic, Endocrine and Urinary Systems
- Module #16: The Human Nervous System
General Science Notebooking Journal – The Very Best Part? The Schedule!
My daughter and I LOVE this resource!
- Do you know what is the very best for the teacher? The schedule. The sample schedule gives the student the chance to practice working through the text at a steady pace.
- All the pages are in one spot. This is a spiral bound notebooking journal. Take it with you in the car, pull it out at the kitchen table. Have it right next to you during an experiment.
- The contents follow along the studies of the textbook with plenty of opportunity for further, in depth study.
Also available:
- The full course as an audio version. Perfect for your auditory learners!
- Multi-media companion CD-ROM
- Full course CD-ROM
- Course website with links to web-based materials
What Age is General Science For?
“Although it can be used for eighth grade (especially if the student has recently left the public schools), it is typically used best in the seventh grade.”
How We Use General Science in our Homeschool
I have found that my daughter and I can be very flexible with these resources. She reads her lesson independently and answers the questions. She has even done several of the experiments on her own, following the directions. The experiments include many regular household items. “I LOVE the notebook – it is the best!” ~7th grader
But, as I mentioned, her studies and experiments tend to draw a crowd of siblings in our household. You might be interested in all the resources we are using for science with multiple ages at Hodgepodge.
Where can you find Apologia General Science?
Find General Science and more middle and high school science curriculum at the Apologia website. There you can view experiment materials, lab list, FAQs, sample notebooking pages and more.
You might also like:
- Apologia Curriculum Review Index
- Multiple Age Homeschool Science How Tos
- Independent Homeschool Science Studies
Homeschooling for over a dozen years now, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children. She shares a mixture of art lessons, recipes and helpful homeschool habits at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve, are owners of Curriculum Choice.
This would be wonderful to use in our homeschool as we are learning and studying our Constitution this year!
We love Apologia! The notebooks are the best! I am so please to have found a science that we love so much.
We are using Apologia Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. We LOVE the whole set. My Third and Fourth Graders do SOOOOO well with the Junior Notebooking Journal! Writing down what they are learning solidifies everything for them. The notebooks and projects are GREAT! My 2 First graders join right in too. 🙂
We have not used the Apologia notebooks for the upper level sciences. I think this would help my son to remember information.
We have used the student notebooks for the elementary level science. My daughter enjoyed them plus the review helped her retain the facts. We used General Science for my son several years ago, there were no student noyebooks then. I’m excited to use this with my daughter!
We are just to start Apologia and very excited. I think the notebooks are a great way for the kids to have a record of everything they have learned over the year.
We have used a few of the note books. They are wonderful for aiding in student led learning. My daughter can go to the notebook and direct herself (I get to come along for the ride and to help where she needs it). She learns better when she’s able to have some autonomy.
We are new to homeschooling this year and have not used the student notebook. I think It would be a great help to us on the lessons.
We have used the notebooks for Young Explorers series and have loved them! They help keep the students organized and I love the extras for review or extended learning. I would love to use them with the General Science text to give my kids more autonomy.
We have notebooks but haven’t started using them yet. Can’t wait to start using them!
We used the student notebook with “Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day.” I loved having all the notebooking pages ready for me and didn’t have to search or make my own.
Thanks for the student/teacher review. This was very VERY helpful!
Also, Thank you for the
I failed to answer the question.
I have not used notebooks just yet, but I plan to incorporate them into our curriculum. We have only been homeschooling for a couple of weeks, and are going slowly to start.
We love Apologia Science and recommend it to others all the time. We are currently using the astronomy set with both the regular and Jr. Notebook making teaching multiple ages easier.
I really like the looks of the 2nd edition with the notebook. Wish I had them with my older two.
I like the notebooking because it keeps a handy guide for the children in their own words.
We have used several Apologia Elementary series and I am looking forward to my 7th grader using the General Science next year!!
This curriculum would be such a blessing to us!
this would be so nice for my oldest to practice independent learning.
I am at this point, even though we are doing EC with Botany. This would help the budget.
We already use the notebooks and find them wonderful for notes and reinforcement of learning.
We love Apologia Science! We haven’t used their notebooks yet, but would love to give them a try!
We are doing Apologia’s Zoology 3 (Land Animals), and we have already enjoyed Astronomy, Zoology 1 &2. We are big fans of Apologia. :o)
We’ve used the Notebook and Jr. Notebook for some of the elementary Zoology books. I love how you have all the work for that year already bound up in one place. Great to show to grandparents and for a keepsake.
We just started using Apologia just yesterday, Marine Biology, my daughter and I both love it so far, we can’t wait to try out other Apologia books! This would be a fantastic prize! 🙂
We love the Apologia notebooks that go along with the science books. All of the kids information is contained in one area and they really enjoy filling them up and out!
We just purchased the Biology and the Anatomy one for our kids this year. They are wonderful, the schedule is great and it is so easy to get everything done in one place. I also appreciate the illustrations for labeling and the Experiment section with additional information. I hope I get this for my younger son who will be starting General Science we need to the new book.
We have used many of the Apologia elementary science books and plan to use the general science next year with my oldest. The option to follow the course independently is a huge benefit! Would be awesome to win it!
Have always wanted to try apologia!
We love Apologia!
We are just starting this course but don’t have the notebook. Would love to try it out!
I had already planned to use this course next year for my oldest in seventh grade I love the notebook idea, mainly because we already use notebooks in science now using our own homemade curriculum 🙂 hope to win this set!
We are very excited about using the notebooks! We love Apologia, but haven’t had the chance to use the notebooks yet. Can’t wait!
I would love this for my middle schooler!! We are using A&P this year, but next year he branches off into older sciences!!
We haven’t used the notebooks. I think it would help reinforce what has been learned. We have been pleased with Apologia.
I’ve heard some great reviews about this curriculum. I would love to give it a try in my homeschool.
We love Apologia! This would be a great set to win.
Love the Apologia science books. We don’t have this one yet.
What a great opportunity to win a great creation-based science curriculum! I have heard great things about this curriculum from a homeschooling friend and would LOVE to use this with my middle school aged son! 🙂
We used the first edition of General Science last year and really enjoyed it. I’d love to have the updated 2nd edition for the rest of my kids coming up. This year my 8th grader is using the 2nd edition of Physical Science and we are using the student notebook for the first time. Let me just say that I am BEYOND IMPRESSED. What a great resource the notebook is! My older kids have also done Biology and are in Chemistry this year. We love Dr. Jay Wile’s style of writing. The curriculum is spectacular.
Thank you for the change to win.
We absolutely love Apologia Astronomy & Apologia Chemistry & Physics. We are having fun while learning so much together. Our son looks forward to Science every day. The notebook journals are a huge help. Looking forward to using this curriculum through the rest of his school years.
LOVE Apologia! I have been using it the past three years with my elementary age children and can’t wait to start General Science with my oldest soon 🙂
Absolutely love Apologia and the Student Notebooks just made it all the better!!
My kids are at the ages that they would love to work together independently of me and dive into this!
I bought the Botany notebook and my daughter loves it!
We love Apologia! Thanks for the chance to win.
We have used the student notebooks for four different elementary science courses thus far and love them very much. Can’t wait to start with middle school now!
The student notebooks are a lifesaver, yes, even in high school. Thanks Apologia!
We haven’t used the notebook yet, but I love the idea of it!
It would be Awesome to win this Apologia Set! 🙂
We have not used the notebooks yet, but I would love to try them. We love the Apologia curriculum!
We have not used the notebooks yet. Thanks for the chance!
We use the notebooks, they are beneficial because we enjoy the little bit extra to use for the study.