Sizzling hot temperatures across many parts of the country mean summer has arrived, even though the calendar doesn’t technically flip over to that season for a couple of weeks. The month of June brings excitement, with trips to the pool or beach or lake, watermelon and fresh vegetables, picnics and pajama parties, sleeping late, honoring Dads extra minutes of sunshine, and lots of June homeschool family fun ideas.
Use those extra moments to make sizzling summer memories with those you love, and give thanks to the maker of the seasons: “Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.” Psalm 74:17 (KJV). Try some of the zany, but real, June homeschool family fun ideas below or create some of your own special summer events.

5 June Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
Trails Day
Enjoy beautiful summer days with outdoor celebrations. Make a list of nearby walking or hiking trails and add others that are within a short driving distance. Pick one to celebrate Trails Day specifically, and make plans to traverse all the trails on the list before summer ends.
While following new trails, make sure to notice God’s beautiful creations surrounding you and commit this verse to memory as you hike: “The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12 NKJV
National Aquarium Month
There’s something fishy about this celebration! Create a fun, family fish craft with a few art supplies.
Fun Fish Craft
- Cover a table to protect from paint spills.
- Use a hole puncher to create bits of confetti for fish embellishments. Punch holes in recycled magazines or in scraps of construction paper. Place aside for now.
- Have each family member pour their favorite color of craft paint into a shallow container.
- Each person dips his or her hand into the paint and stamps a handprint on white art paper. (To make the fish print, extend the thumb somewhat from the other fingers. This will be the top fin on the fish’s body. Spread the other four fingers slightly – this will be the fish’s tail.
- When the paint dries completely, turn the handprints into swimming fish by embellishing with pre-punched “fish scales.” Use a paint brush to brush a layer of glue over the paint handprint. Sprinkle some of the punched circles from construction paper or old magazines onto the glue for fish scales. No need to cover the fish completely; the glue dries clear and gives the fish a shiny finish.
- Glue on squiggly eyes and draw on fish mouths to finish the artwork.
Once the fish are completely dry, have family members cut out the shapes and jot down a summer activity on the back on each fish. Place the fishy shapes in a basket to leave on the kitchen counter. Take turns fishing fish-shapes from the basket throughout the month and complete the family activity written on the back.
Make sure to schedule time to get through all the suggestions before summer’s end. (The number of people in the family and amount of summer free time will determine how many fish handprints each person makes.)
Here’s a great verse to memorize about God’s aquarium masterpieces: “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it…” (Genesis 1:21 NIV).
National Eat Your Vegetables Day
Dine on fresh garden vegetables throughout the month with new veggie recipes. Try this delicious recipe with a fresh bunch of carrots.
Fresh Carrot Bake
- Wash two pounds of carrots thoroughly.
- Cut carrots into one-fourth-inch slices and place in a small amount of boiling water for about seven to nine minutes until crisp-tender.
- Sauté a small onion until tender in a small amount of olive oil.
- Spray a casserole dish with vegetable spray, then alternate layers of cooked carrots, grated cheddar cheese, sautéed onions, and dill weed.
- Bake at 350 degrees for about thirty minutes, until the cheese is melted.
While the carrots are baking, read about a young man who ate vegetables in the Bible. Read Daniel 1:8-16.
Flip Flop Day
Take a family field trip to purchase new flip flops for each person. Using the clean, unworn flip flops, host a ‘flip flop family festivity’ in the back yard to welcome the beginning of warm summer days. Play relay games with the new footwear to determine the finest family flip flop finagler.
Flip Flop Games
- For the first game, let each person wear their flip flops on their hands like mittens and choose a partner. Toss a ball or rolled up pair of socks back and forth between partners. See who can successfully catch the ball or socks the most consistent times without letting it touch the ground.
- After that game, have family members race to see who can push Wiffle balls with flip flop-covered hands across the driveway or front yard in the least amount of time. The first person to push the Wiffle ball across the finish line is the winner.
- For the third game, stretch out a beach towel in the grass and have contestants toss flip flops onto the towel. Keep taking steps backward to see who can land the flip flops on the towel from the farthest distance.
Sip on lemonade or a tall glass of ice water after the relay games and memorize this Bible verse: “And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.” (Leviticus 26:12 KJV).
Tailors Day
While shopping or dressing for the day, have you ever stopped to think about the people who design and make the clothes you wear? In honor of Tailors Day, read together an old classic, The Tailor of Gloucester, by Beatrix Potter. Following that classic, read about a seamstress from the best book of all: the Bible. Read Acts 9:36-43 and find out what was special about Dorcas. After you’ve read these stories, take time to go through closets and drawers and pick out several gently-worn clothing items. Make a family outing to a women’s shelter, homeless shelter, or church clothing closet to donate the items to a family who might need some cool clothes for the summer.
Make the most of every minute this month with those you love, taking advantage of those extra daylight hours. Create sizzling, lasting memories with these June homeschool family fun ideas. You’ll be so glad you did!
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~ Originally published June 2019
Fun days! I could definitely get behind flip flop day!
Vacation time took me away from internet time, so I’m just responding to you – I had one child in particular, my oldest son, who wore flip flops summer or winter, practically every day, for years! He absolutely loved his flip flops!
These are some unique ideas. I already go to parks when I can with my kids, but the rest of the ideas are totally new to me. I’m glad I stopped by. While my kids may be older, I still think they would find these activities interesting enough to want to do them.