A key component to homeschooling is how to organize not only your homeschool materials, but the flow of your homeschool curriculum and days. Sue Patrick’s Workbox System is an organizational aide for homeschoolers.

Sue Patrick’s Workbox System for Homeschool Organization
Sue Patrick’s Workbox System© has quickly become a favorite organizational strategy among homeschoolers.
There are two components of this system:
- It teaches you how to optimize the benefits of homeschooling
- the physical structure allows you to teach your child more effectively, and at the same time helps you to better organize your school day
With Sue Patrick’s Workbox System©, homeschool students can manage their school day independently, complete more activities each day, and stay on task. Because the purpose of this article is to provide ideas and resources for users of the System, I would like to just offer a summary of the program. Please visit Sue Patrick’s website for complete details. The basic structure of the program is that your child has 12 boxes on a rack. Each box holds an item or task to be completed. Your child works through each box and puts the box away as they finish the task or item. This visually allows your child to see how much work they have left to do for the day.
Here are a few of my favorite things from Sue Patrick’s Workbox System:
- I like that is uses a systematic approach to helping my children organize their school day
- It promotes student independence
- It can be used with any curriculum
- It can be adapted to fit your needs
- Sue Patrick offers additional support for individuals who purchase and register their purchase on her site
- It is a visual system that is great for students who need visual prompting
- This system has been successfully used with students with Special Needs
Sue Patrick’s Workbox System in Action
Here are a few examples of Sue Patrick’s Workbox System in action:
Confessions of a Homeschooler – We just started using the Sue Patrick’s Workbox System this year and LOVE it! For those of you who don’t know what it is, its not a curriculum, but an organization system.
Homeschool Creations – We follow the basic principles of the system but have modified it to fit our family and it is working great for us!
Trent Family Blog – So what are workboxes? For us, it’s a cart with 10 drawers for each of my kids.
More Homeschool Organization Ideas
Organizational Ideas for Your Homeschool Space – Just as every homeschool is unique in the curriculum they use or the educational methods they follow, every homeschool is also unique in determining where their homeschool students study and learn. Do you have a dedicated space in your home for learning, or are you like many homeschool families we know and have learning materials all over the house? Today the authors of Curriculum Choice are excited to give you a peek inside their homes to offer organizational ideas for your homeschool space!
Homeschool Organization Galore – Summer is a perfect time to clean and reorganize those homeschool books and rooms as well as plan for a new homeschool year. Here’s a look at how some of the authors and contributors here at The Curriculum Choice keep their homeschool spaces organized. It is homeschool organization galore!
~ Originally published June 2009, Written by Kari
Thanks so much for compiling all this info in one place. I am very happy to have it to show everyone I have been raving about workboxes to.
I accessed your article a few days ago without a problem and bookmarked it in my browser. However, now when I click on the link (the same destination as the Read More link above) it tells me I “[do] not have access to this document”. I’d like to send the article to a friend who is interested in workboxes. Is the article available to the public? I’m not sure why I saw it before but not now.
Thanks so much for your help!
Hi Maggie,
I just tested the link and it is working again.
Hi Maggie – I have some resources and pictures you could add to your list if you like. It’s an immense help to have so many links in one place 😀
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