Summer time is a fantastic time to kick back and enjoy some summer themed learning adventures. Here at The Curriculum Choice, we’re sharing our shark themed ideas. With these resources, you can enjoy a shark month for homeschoolers!

Heather from Blog, She Wrote
We love summer learning! Here are some of our favorite shark themed units and activities along with some extra resources for putting together shark learning fun.
- The Ultimate List of Shark Science Resources– our big list of resources including a shark paper dissection.
- Science Quest: Shark Edition– a click and go activity to satisfy some curiosity about sharks
- Geography Quest: Shark Edition– geography of sharks? Yes, please!
- 100 Awesome Educational Videos for Homeschooling High School– this amazing list includes shark videos from Amazon Prime Video.
- Sharkfest from National Geographic– is a five week long shark party for the month of July
- How to Create Your Own Learning Experiences with Adventure Boxes– want ideas on putting together a super focus learning adventure like on sharks? This is the how and the why and you can apply to any topic.
Tricia from You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool (formerly Hodgepodge)
We have a shark lover in the family. Our youngest girl has continued a study of sharks – especially hammerhead sharks – since she was a kindergartener. She and I even swam with sharks at Discovery Cove for her special 12 year old trip (each of our children get to go on a special trip with a parent when they turn 12.) Her love of sharks and passion for educating others on sharks continues as she heads into high school. You can read about our shark adventures on my Instagram here:
Her shark love grew so much over the years that we worked with Nana and shared Shark Art Lessons for All Ages. These art lessons are perfect for shark week or shark month for homeschoolers! Over 20 sharks to learn about and enjoy painting.
- Find Shark Art Lessons here and try a Great White Shark art lesson
- Follow along with a John Williams Composer (includes Jaws!) art lesson with Nana in the You ARE an Artist Complete Clubhouse.
- Enjoy these Shark Week Art Lessons
- We love the Blue Wilderness videos from Mark Vins of the Brave Wilderness team
- Homeschool Marine Biology for Multiple Ages
- More Shark Favorites on my Pinterest board
Build a Shark Month for Homeschoolers – Resources from our Archives
- Exploring Creation with Swimming Creatures Review
- High School Marine Biology Review
- The Fun Homeschool
- The Picture Book Homeschool
- Our Favorite Homeschool Nature Study Resources
The Curriculum Choice Review Team Features
- Our Homeschool Reviews by The Curriculum Choice Authors Pinterest board.
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Do you celebrate fun learning opportunities like shark week and shark fest in your homeschool?
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