A flip of the calendar to September brings visions of cooler weather (ever-so-slightly for those of us in the deep south), football games on the screen and in the back yard, and all shades of amber, auburn, crimson, and gold. Find fun ways to welcome autumn this month and make memories with the family that will warm the heart and tickle the senses. Enjoy these September homeschool celebrations!
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2 NIV

September Homeschool Celebrations
Pet Rock Day
Doesn’t everyone need a pet that requires little to no maintenance? Celebrate the day with a family walk and search for the perfect pet rock in the wild. Decide if you want to take the rock home with you or just snap a picture of it on a cell phone after observing its beauty and leave the “creature” in its place.
Another fun activity is rock painting. Find nice flat rocks and use acrylic paint to turn them into fun things like M & Ms or animals. The possibilities are endless!
To help celebrate the day, memorize some of these verses: Oh come, let us sing to the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Psalm 95:1 ESV; The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock, and let the God of my salvation be exalted. Psalm 18:46 KJV; and As the Scriptures say, “I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem, chosen for great honor, and anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” 1 Peter 2:6 NLT.
Labor Day
Honor the working profession with a fun alphabet-challenge game. Start with the letter “A” and name all the professions you can think of that begin with that letter. Don’t forget “accordion-maker” or “aerial-photographer” or “air traffic controller.” If you get stuck on a letter, head to the careerplanner.com site and click on “list of jobs” for an alphabetized list of jobs you may never have thought of!
To continue the celebration, use a Bible concordance to look up scriptures containing the word “work” or Google this phrase: “working for the Lord” to find scriptures. Pick out several to memorize.
You might choose one of these: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23 ESV. Or, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV. Or maybe this one: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 ESV.
National Bake and Decorate Month
Celebrate a sweet holiday with a day in the kitchen.
Bake a batch of brownies, cupcakes or a chocolate chip cookie cake.
Add frosting embellishments with a dessert decorator tool and this Frosting Recipe:
Cream one-third cup of shortening in a mixer with a dash of salt and one teaspoon of vanilla.
Add a one-pound box of powdered sugar to the mixture.
Add milk, one tablespoon at a time, and blend until the desired consistency for decorating is reached. Two or three tablespoons will probably do the trick.
Create flowers, swirls, or curls atop the dinner dessert treat.
Gather at the table for dinner and be sure to give thanks for sweet treats and family fellowship when saying grace before the meal and enjoy the sweet treats for dessert.
National Courtesy Month
Here’s a holiday that should be celebrated 365 days a year, but hopefully with an entire month of practice, a lifetime habit will be established and a spirit of courtesy will take place every day of the year!
Be on the lookout for ways to extend courtesy. Here are a few ideas:
- Treat the passengers in the car behind you in line at your favorite fast-food to a meal and ask the clerk to tell them you’re celebrating Courtesy Month.
- Why not let the Momma with a tired youngster scoot in front of you when checking out?
- Return abandoned carts to the store or rack – someone might be watching you from their vehicle and admire your courtesy.
- Speak kindly to everyone you encounter, at home, at church, in the grocery store, or while running errands.
- And especially – use your best manners at home, with those you love the most!
Memorize this verse to solidify the celebration: Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8 NKJV.
National Sewing Month
Have “sew” much fun with this craft project using felt and embroidery thread and needle. Let your kids help in age-appropriate ways to complete the project.
Felting Craft Project
Cut out two heart shapes from red or pink felt.
Thread an embroidery needle with white embroidery thread. Tie a knot in the end.
Match the two heart shapes and start the sewing process by inserting the needle between the two hearts the first time, to hide the knot, and pull through. Start at the top near one curve and work all the way around, leaving the top open to stuff with cotton balls before completing the sewing.
Push the needle through the edges of both pieces of felt, front to back, over and over until the two pieces are secure.
Leave the needle and thread hanging, while you carefully stuff with a few cotton balls, then seal the top closed with the final stitches.
For the last stitch, push the needle through the first stitch a couple of times, to form a knot. Then slide the needle back through the middle before trimming the thread, leaving extra thread inside the heart so that the knot won’t come lose.
Sometime this month, be sure to read about a seamstress in the Bible who made beautiful robes and other articles of clothing. Read Acts 9:36-42.
Use these September Homeschool Celebrations, to help you find creative ways to say “good-bye” to summer and “hello” to almost-autumn with those you love. Make a few more warm-weather memories and start unpacking fall clothes and home décor. Be sure to squeeze in one more trip to the beach or lake or play in the sprinklers one last time. Most importantly, make every day a holiday and create incredible memories to cherish for a lifetime!
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Julie Lavender loves any excuse to celebrate and make memories with hubby David, four adult children, one son-in-love, and one precious grandson.
She loves to encourage other families to do the same and is doing so via her parenting book, 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories, published by Revell.
Julie would love to connect with you on her Facebook Group of the same name, 365 Ways to Love Your Child, where she and others share fun ways to show love to kids.
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