What a SMART Way to PICTURE the Entire Bible!
Do you have a visual learner? How about an artist? How about a linguistic learner? Kinesthetic, maybe? One who likes to make ordered lists in his or her mind?
Well, parents of all kinds of learners are in luck! The Picture Smart Bible curriculum meets so many learning styles and works for all ages – even adults.
What is the Picture Smart Bible?
The short answer: The Picture Smart Bible is a coloring book of every single books of the Bible that helps your children see the entire theme and important points of each book from Genesis to Revelation.
The longer answer:
- For each book of the Bible, there is a coloring page on which your children draw, label and color bits and pieces of the book’s theme.
- The parent has a Bible reading guide with directions about what your children should discuss and complete on their coloring page.
- You have the freedom to do as much or little of a lesson as you like in one sitting.
- It’s non-denominational in nature – just the facts.
- It uses the pictures to tie entire books of the Bible together into a beautiful understanding of the book’s purpose and main points.
- You end up with a personalized notebook that serves as a quick review of the entire Bible.
In the teacher’s guide, there are tracing pictures with blanks to fill in key words that you use with older children. Younger children, like my six-year-old, can be given the “answer page” that has all the blanks already filled in. They simply color the parts you are discussing for the day. While there is definitely something to be said for actually writing in the key words, little ones still get much understanding from the pictures.
Take a look at this video that gives you a fantastic overview of The Picture Smart Bible!
P.S. I met Dan Peters, the creator of the program and highlighted in the video, at a homeschool convention a few years ago. We were booth neighbors – and he was such a neat man!
The Picture Smart Bible curriculum comes in two volumes – Old Testament and New Testament – that can be purchased as a set or one at a time. The curriculum comes as a PDF download, a printable CD or a hole-punched set of pre-printed pages that you put in a binder.
Can’t guess my thoughts? This is a VERY cool curriculum that can be used with multi-ages and multiple learning styles and IT WORKS!
Cindy received a printed copy of The Picture Smart Bible in exchange for an honest review. As always, all thoughts are her own.
Find Picture Smart Bible:
- Picture Smart Bible website
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Now for the giveaway!
Picture Smart Bible is giving away one CD version to a Curriculum Choice reader! Simply follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below:
~Cindy West is an eclectic Charlotte Mason homeschool mom of three from Central KY. She blogs at Our Journey Westward and writes creative curriculum at Shining Dawn Books.
I have a special needs learner who can color for hours on end. This sounds like the perfect learning tool for her!!!
I have a group of boys who love to color. This would be perfect for them.
This looks wonderful! What a wonderful way to make biblical concepts more concrete. I’m homeschooling a preschool age child right now, so making the concepts concrete would really help her learning. I really want to win this.
Our kids are very visual and love to color…I think this would be great for our Family Bible Study Time! Thanks for sharing:)
I do believe it would be interesting and motivating for our boys (13 & 8) to learn the Bible this way!
This would help us tremendously. We have been struggling to incorporate more Bible instruction into our day. This is our first year homeschooling and I have a 5th grader and one in 4k.
This is just the thing I was looking for.
this is perfect for visual learners like me! i love to color and I think the kids in my Bible class would love this too!
Yes! My daughter is a visual learner, not to mention a great little artist, so this would be a perfect fit for her! Thanks for the opportunity!
This is a very creative way to study the Bible. Would love to try it out!
I’ve had my eye on this for a couple of years now (ever since I first saw it at Atlanta’s HS Conference) and think it would be a great addition to our family worship!
My boys would love this!!!
This looks like a great way to mix up our bible teaching. It look like there is a lot there that I could learn as well!
This is what I wanted for our Bible curriculum… just couldn’t afford it. I think it would be so helpful as I have ages from first grade through high school, and I know they would all learn something! What a great way to cover all the books of the Bible!
Some of my kiddos are visual learners. I love this Bible!
I think this would be wonderful for our homeschool. I took a look at a homeschool convention earlier this year but my child wasn’t ready for it yet (allergic to coloring). But since then, he’s developed a passion for coloring and drawing. I really love your product!
I think the Picture Smart Bible could be a fantastic resource to use with my two very active boys! They enjoy learning about God, but I have been having a hard time making lessons that provide enough kinesthetic experience for them. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I think it would help my son retain more since it’s visual.
I have 3 boys, 1 of whom calls himself an artist. When reading aloud, they need something to occupy their hands and because this isn’t mindless, even better!
This will be perfect for my daughter!! She is a visual learner and this will help her understand the Bible and books of the Bible!!
This looks like a super fun way to learn about the Bible!
My children (all 3 of them) would really benefit from this. It would make Bible time learning exceptionally fun.
Great & right on time. Currently, I am homeschooling 7 children and 4 of them are currently learing the books of the Bible by coloring the name, but no facts. This would be a wonderful addition!
Awesome! A friend of mine showed me this 3 weeks ago and she loves it! I’d love an opportunity to win this. Thanks.
I have an artist and a linear thinker. Both my boys would enjoy this curriculum.
My daughter loves to color and my son is a huge visual learner so I know they would both benefit from using the Picture Smart Bible. And then we could all share it with our youngest member of the family when he is old enough to enjoy it!
This looks wonderful!!
My boys love tying parts of the Bible together. This would help us see God’s BIG picture!
My eight-year-old son loves art – and my two-year-old daughter is just getting into coloring. This is a product they could use and learn from together. Thanks for the giveaway!
my children all draw and excel at it. This would be the perfect to reinforce the bible and its meaning…..I have being looking for something like this!!!!
I have three young girls who would benefit greatly from the Picture Smart Bible. It helps them to have something to do while I am reading a story, so I think they would enjoy this Bible curriculum.