Looking for a fun way to help your child develop math skills? Greg Tan has written a series of math books that will help you do that! Math-terpieces is just one of many options!
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Math-terpieces – Learn Math Skills and Art History Together
Math-terpieces is a neat tool for developing math skills with your student while also introducing famous art masterpieces. Greg Tang has developed a series of books to help make math enjoyable for kids.
The series includes titles such as:
This particular book, Math-terpieces, focuses on building computational and problem-solving skills while introducing art history. Components from each art masterpiece are used to display sets of items that students then have to group together to come up with the desired sum.
You could easily work straight through the book. But we usually do a page or two at a time and put the book away for a week or so and bring it back out.
There are a number of famous paintings in this book. You could tie them into what you are already studying or just work through the book. We have recently learned about pointillism in our art lessons and studied the famous painting by Georges Seraut, Sunday Afternoon. We used the Math-terpieces puzzle about this famous painting along with our studies, so it reinforced what we learned in art and gave my son a chance to practice problem solving and addition skills. But often we just pick a painting in Math-terpieces to study and do the accompanying puzzle.
I first became aware of the soft back books which we began using in our homeschool earlier this year. But I recently found the books are also offered online at tangmath.com and students can “play” the books online.
How we use it in our home/what we like about this curriculum:
- We use this as a fun supplement to both our math and art lessons.
- The book is an inexpensive supplement for art, problem solving, and math skills.
- The website is easy to use and free. The website can be used whether you have the book or not.
We find Math-terpieces to be a fun addition to our art and math studies.
Purchasing Math-terpieces
Math-terpieces and other Greg Tang Math Books are available through Amazon
and other book retailers.
More Help for Making Math Fun!
Make Math Fun with Math Games! This is a collection of board and card games, websites, apps, books, manipulatives & more to help make learning math concepts more fun!
~ Originally posted February 2015, Written by Amy Matkovich.
I just love this, Amy! Going on our ‘want/need’ this list. Thanks for the great review.
Thanks Tricia! This is one of those gems I love to find!
My son loves art, but he’s not so much a math fan. I am excited about this book, and I hope he is too! Thanks for sharing.