A Leading Little Ones to God review and how to use this Bible story devotional in your homeschool in simple, memory-building ways to discuss basic Bible truths.

“It’s time to read Leading Little Ones to God!” Freshly bathed and pj-clad, he announces it while rolling his matchbox cars around the coffee table. We read a selection together each night, building memories and discussing basic Bible truths.
Leading Little Ones to God: A Child’s Book of Bible Teachings
We were first introduced to Leading Little Ones to God in our early homeschooling days through Sonlight curriculum. We’ve read and enjoyed it now through all our five children. And I’m hanging on tight to our times reading it with our youngest two.
Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14
How to Use This Bible Story Devotional Book In Your Homeschool
Who is it for? Quite simply, little ones. But even my bigger ones often gather around and join in. “This book is intended to be a guide to parents who desire to teach their little ones about God. Parents are the child’s best teachers, and perhaps there is nothing more important in his or her spiritual development than quiet talks with Mother or Father about the great God who made us and loves us. Little children enjoy being read to. This can be done almost any time of the day…”
What’s inside? Each of the 86 lessons are about two pages long and have a Biblical story. The lessons are categorized into 14 sections:
- Part One: Looking for God
- Part Two: God is Very Great
- Part Three: All That God Does is Good
- Part Four: Sin Spoiled The World
- Part Five: God’s Law
- Part Six: God Loves Us
- Part Seven: What Jesus Did
- Part Eight: About the Holy Spirit
- Part Nine: How We Become Children of God
- Part Ten: How God’s Children Live and Grow
- Part Eleven: God Helps His Children Live for Him
- Part Twelve: When We Pray to God
- Part Thirteen: About God’s Church
- Part Fourteen: Things That Are To Happen
What Is Included in Leading Little Ones to God?
Each lesson includes:
- Biblical story.
- Something to talk about. Questions included which prompt conversation.
- Bible verse to memorize.
- Suggested Bible passages for further reading (can be omitted for very small children but older children can enjoy having the message confirmed in the Bible).
- Hymn suggestion for inspiration and praise. Even a “little talk about the meaning of the hymn will help. If a hymn tune is not familiar, the words can be read and used for discussion.”
- Prayer suggestions. “Prayer is a precious means of sealing to the child’s heart the seed that has just been sown.” An example prayer: “Oh, how wonderful it was, dear Father, that day when Jesus was born! We thank You, Jesus, for coming as a little baby to be our Savior. Help us, Holy Spirit, to love Jesus more and more. Amen”
What Ages Can Enjoy This Bible Resource?
As the title suggests, this resource is for young children. We are currently reading it to our four and six-year-olds. But you would be surprised at what sort of discussions our times lead to with our older children.
Where can you find it?
Leading Little Ones to God: A Children’s Book of Bible Teachings by Marian M. Schoolland is available through several distributors including Christian Book (view the front and back covers plus table of contents) and Amazon. Prices vary from approximately $13 to $20 for this devotional book.
These words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuternomy 6: 6,7
In summary, this classic Bible story devotional book has been a big part of raising and teaching our children. The stories are prompts for even more discussion. A wonderful part of our days. We highly recommend Leading Little Ones to God.
If you are looking for more, I have a list of our favorite Bible study and character training resources for multiple ages at Hodgepodge.
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Homeschooling since 2000, Tricia has seen the fruits of home education with four homeschool grads so far! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at Your Best Homeschool and is author of the book, Help! Iām Homeschooling! She and her husband, Steve, are owners of The Curriculum Choice and sister sites, You ARE an ARTiST, Homeschool Nature Study.
-first published November 2012 and updated January 2025
I agree…this is a great foundation to present our God to little ones on a more “formal” basis. It covers many of the questions little ones always ask. Like, “Mommy, why can’t we see God.” These are topics that bear repeating with older children, hence the book attracks all ages.
I read this review and shortly after found this book in the friends library book sale for .50 cents!!!!!! I immediately grabbed it and hope to read this to my daughter this year. Thank you for the thorough review.
Thanks for this helpful overview! I’ve been toying with the idea of ordering this book, and finally did it. Looking forward to using it with my boys!
Wonderful Kathleen! I know you will love it and am glad you found this review helpful.
I LOVE this book, and I was blessed to find it at a thrift store for only a dollar or two. My only complaint with it is that the prayers seem to be very, very formal, to the point where I really question if the kids understand them at all.
Rachel – this book is a gem! And I agree about the formality of the prayers. I usually just replace the Thees and Thous with Lord or God – whatever is appropriate and more what we are used to.
Has anyone found a good source/website for the tunes to all the hymns in Leading Little Ones to God? I’d love to have the ability to sing them correctly with my children. š