It’s that time of year again! Whether you take a break for the summer or homeschool year round, everyone likes a fresh start. This is the time of year for new pencils, clean notebooks, and freshly organized bookshelves. The authors here at The Curriculum Choice want to help you get organized by sharing our homeschool rooms and organizational ideas for everything ‘homeschool.’ Enjoy!

Homeschool Rooms
Our Home Schoolroom – We converted our formal dining room into a schoolroom without spending a ton of money using items we had on hand and a little DIY. I prioritized having our necessary items at hand and well organized, and also giving each of my children their own work and storage spaces. ~ Heidi
5 Homeschool Room Organizational Essentials – While not everyone has the space for a designated homeschool room, nor does everyone want a designated homeschool room, there are those of us that couldn’t live without one! When we moved from our first home in 2008 I was looking specifically for a home that had a space to be my designated homeschool room. Having a space to keep everything together and to keep the clutter contained was important to me. Along with that I have certain Homeschool Room Organization Essentials that make the flow of the room possible. ~ Heidi C.
Homeschool Learning Centers at Hodgepodge – Creating learning centers is a bit of a passion for me. It’s an ongoing room by room makeover to meet the needs of our homeschool, our children. I share all this so you might take one thing for inspiration. One rearrangement that might work. ~ Tricia
Our IKEA and Chalkboard Homeschool Room – tour our school room with a chalkboard desk, maps as window treatments and IKEA baskets as storage. ~ Tricia
Organizing Your Homeschool Library – tips on how to maximize space and organize your books so you can find them. ~ Heather
Organizational Ideas for Your Homeschool Space – Just as every homeschool is unique in the curriculum they use or the educational methods they follow, every homeschool is also unique in determining where their homeschool students study and learn. Do you have a dedicated space in your home for learning, or are you like many homeschool families we know and have learning materials all over the house? Today the authors of Curriculum Choice are excited to give you a peek inside their homes to offer organizational ideas for your homeschool space!
Essential Elements of a Home Learning Environment – Come see the key features of any home learning space. ~ Heather
Project Workspaces – a tour of our family’s project workspaces. You don’t want to miss how we carve out space to pour into our work. ~ Heather
Our Homeschool Room – This is our designated room or “home-base” as I like to call it, for most of our homeschooling needs. We specifically bought this house because of the “homeschool” friendly layout. This room has a wide open entry into our kitchen table area and kitchen. This makes it the perfect homeschool room for spreading out, and for me to be doing other things and yet still be engaged with what the kids are doing. ~Heidi C.
Homeschool Organizational Ideas
Weekly Lesson Notebooks – “I have a newly organized planning notebook for myself and both of the big kids have their own weekly binder. Besides organization, the binders are going to help the kiddos work towards more work independence and responsibility. I’m so excited about these!” ~ Cindy
Staying Organized – tips for everything from a dedicated learning area, book pins, mom’s planner, morning table/tub, backpacks, mamma’s bookshelf, curriculum, books, lunch/menu, mom’s file box and preparing ahead. “That’s it! If it sounds like a lot, I promise it isn’t. Most of it is a “one time set up” situation and it’s off and running. In fact, the only thing that’s a weekly upkeep is my Planning Ahead area. However, it’s a quick thing because everything else in our learning area is working for us instead of against us!” ~ Kendra
Homeschool Organization Galore – Summer is a perfect time to clean and reorganize those homeschool books and rooms as well as plan for a new homeschool year. Here’s a look at how some of the authors and contributors here at The Curriculum Choice keep their homeschool spaces organized. It is homeschool organization galore! ~ Tonia
Home Education Notebook – It’s a homeschooling notebook for mom! My hope is that this will easily grow and change with our needs. So far it has worked better than I could have hoped and has helped the day go a bit smoother. ~ Jen
Sue Patrick’s Workbox System© for Homeschool Organization – Sue Patrick’s Workbox System© has quickly become a favorite organizational strategy among homeschoolers. It teaches you how to optimize the benefits of homeschooling and the physical structure allows you to teach your child more effectively, and at the same time helps you to better organize your school day. ~ Kari
How to Organize Your Homeschool Books – I gave in to the organizing craze. I had to do it to survive the book chaos that was over-running my home! As if hubby and I collecting books wasn’t enough, then we go and decide to homeschool which requires us to avidly collect more books. To top that off, we have had to keep our books because we add in a new home school aged child every 2-3 years. Thus I have created a way to Organize Your Homeschool Books. ~ Brenda
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What is YOUR best homeschool room tip or organizational tool?
~ Originally published August 2013
This was a great basket of ideas! Thanks for sharing them.
We have purchased furniture, bulletin and white boards for just a few dollars at the school district’s surplus sale. We also live in a capital city, so we have a state surplus warehouse that offers educators 50% already cheap prices in August. They have everything from bulletin boards, bookshelves, and desks to 3-ring notebooks, file folders, and organizational supplies. It’s been a huge blessing for us starting out!
Great organizing tips.
The best way is by having a vision that it can be done and by working with your own personality. The hardest part is starting up, but as time goes on, you’ll learn and get used to the things that needs to be done.
Anne Gregor