Pinterest is such a fantastic resource for homeschoolers! Wouldn’t you agree? Here at The Curriculum Choice, we use Pinterest for gathering all kinds of tools – but especially reviews.
We have Pinterest boards for all the matching categories of reviews here on our website. From Bible to history and more. But we thought you might like to know about our Pinterest boards on topics we find essential for the homeschool journey! Like…
1. Homeschool Lunch – now how many times have you heard, “Mama, what’s for lunch?” or have you, the teacher, thought, “if only we can make it to lunch, then…” Well one of our favorite Pinterest boards is packed full of lunch plus edible homeschool ideas for you!
2. How to Get Started Homeschooling – a collection of how tos and encouraging post that aren’t only for those just starting out. Maybe it may remind some of you veterans of just why you are homeschooling!
3. Choosing Curriculum – What we are all about! Making homeschool curriculum decisions easy. A collection of posts, resources from here at Curriculum Choice and around the web.
4. Homeschool Organization – we can all use new organizational ideas – from crayons to the kitchen pantry! One of our most popular boards.
5. Our Review Team – now this is an incredible collection from our review authors. Posts, ideas, advice, homeschool reviews and more from each of our personal blogs!
We hope you will follow all The Curriculum Choice Pinterest boards that will help you in your homeschool journey.
Today I’m also sharing my favorite Pinterest boards for Hodgepodge and Habits for a Happy Home!
Be sure to visit and follow all the Pintastic Pinboards from the bloggers of iHomeschool Network!
Homeschooling for over a dozen years now, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children from preschool to high school. She is author of art curriculum for all ages and a series of cookbooks at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve (who writes app and technology reviews), are co-owners of Curriculum Choice.
I saw your group board for middle schoolers with the below link:
I have a blog that’s perfect for middle schoolers.