Visual Latin from Compass Classroom is a full credit homeschool Latin course for kids ages 10+ that uses short videos and worksheets.
Celebrate National Craft Month in Your Homeschool With These Fun Activities
Celebrate National Craft Month in Your Homeschool with These Fun Craft Ideas! Crafts for spring & Easter, nature themed and more!
Homeschool High School Math With Teaching Textbooks
Teaching Textbooks is a great choice for homeschool high school math with computer based lessons and automated grading it’s an easy to implement option! A review from The Curriculum Choice
Thiel College – A Homeschool Friendly College Option
Thiel College in Pennsylvania is a small liberal arts college with a small student to faculty ratio, making it a great homeschool friendly option.
How to Start Homeschooling
How to Start Homeschooling by the review author team at The Curriculum Choice. Offers up resources, advice, books, encouragement and the tools you need to get started homeschooling!
Homeschool that ROCKS! Creative Resources to Learn About Rocks and Minerals
Dover helps you have a homeschool that ROCKS with these books that make learning about rocks and minerals fun! Literature, workbooks, nature guides & more.
10 Reasons to Buy the Noah Plan® Curriculum Guides for Your Homeschool
The Noah Plan Curriculum Guides deliver seven curriculum subjects, grade by grade, from kindergarten through twelfth grade for thirteen years of schooling. Each Guide has the entire scope and sequence, and the supporting content particular to the Principle Approach.
Books to Celebrate Black History Month in Your Homeschool
Books to Celebrate Black History Month in Your Homeschool – a collection of picture books, fiction, and non-fiction for kids from preK-12th grade.
February Homeschool Fun
Make heartwarming memories during the cool days of February with some of the wacky, but real, holiday ideas below or create unique ones that are just right for your family. Share the love all month long with these February homeschool fun ideas.
100+ Top Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
Over 100 top homeschool curriculum reviews by veteran homeschoolers who share about the resources they love and use in their homeschools!