Compass Classroom’s Visual Latin is such a blessing in our homeschool. Recently, while my two eldest children were completing it for high school credit, we found three new ways to learn with Visual Latin.

All opinions are our own and we love this Compass Classroom curriculum. Please see our disclosure policy. The affiliate links included are for resources we absolutely love.
Visual Latin is our choice for foreign language credit.
“Warning. The free lessons you may download and watch will have you hooked. Watch them with your children only if you want to hear… Laughter. Soon followed by, “Can we watch another?” Then after the second introductory lesson, “Can we watch just one more?”” You can find my full review of Visual Latin here.
We received these resources in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we adore Visual Latin with our high schoolers (even the younger ones are listening in). Please see our disclosure policy. The affiliate links included are for resources we absolutely love. If you purchase Visual Latin through our affiliate link, we will receive a percentage of the sale for no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work of this site!
3 Ways to Learn with Visual Latin – A Homeschool Latin Course
Did you know about these time-saving, make-mom’s-day-easier options? Let me tell you…
1. Monthly Subscription
We homeschoolers are a frugal bunch. Yet, often we need to plunk down a large amount to purchase curriculum. Not anymore – with Compass Classroom’s subscription option you can try great courses for a low affordable cost. With the premium membership you can enjoy all those wonderful master teachers in your home.
“Pay a small amount monthly instead of a big amount every summer. Get 7 bundled products at one monthly price or choose individual products. Access the videos on all Internet-capable devices. Pay for only as long as you subscribe to the curriculum. (In other words, cancel anytime.) If you want to try something new with your kids, here’s a nice way to get started.”
2. Printed Worksheets and Quizzes
This is exactly how we have skipped the sidetracks and stayed on track. Already printed, three-hole punched worksheet and quizzes. No more printing as you go. It’s all ready for your student! Plus the teacher’s guide and suggested schedule as well as the answers to quizzes are included.
3. Multiple Digital Devices
We were already streaming our downloaded version of Visual Latin 1. With the subscription option we can stream both Visual Latin 1 and 2 – on the go! Multiple digital devices for the win! That is super helpful in a household of five homeschoolers.
Remember, check out Visual Latin from Compass Classroom only if you want laughs and learning!
Check Out Our Compass Classroom Curriculum Review Index
We love all of Compass Classroom’s curriculum and resources for homeschool. So much so, I’ve shared these reviews and more! Be sure to check out our Compass Classroom Curriculum Review Index to see all the Compass Classroom Curriculum Reviews!
Hi there Tricia, I haven’t really tried Visual Latin but someone was asking me about it and from what I can see, it seems to be a very good resource. I also like the fact that it has quizzes and printed worksheets. Thanks a lot for sharing this.
Thanks for sharing the information about Visual Latin. I especially love the printed worksheets and quizzes. I don’t know how many times we’ve come to a halt because we didn’t have the worksheets printed and ready to go.
The printed worksheets save the day!