On any given day a stranger stumbling unsuspecting into our home could—and should—expect to meet with any of a large variety of animals. The possibilities range from the exotic to the mundane: a maned wolf, a gorilla, a fox, a hippo, a mountain goat, a cheetah, a cat, a puppy. The animals residing here really just depend upon the current…
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Great Science Adventures: Discovering the Human Body and Senses
I used Great Science Adventures: Discovering the Human Body and Senses from Common Sense Press as the main resource for our recent study of the human body. Overall, I enjoyed this program and plan to use other titles from the Great Science Adventures series in the future. Before the individual lessons are presented, there is quite a bit of information included at the beginning…
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Under the Microscope
There are so many expensive homeschool resources, but one of the best science investments we have ever made cost less than $15.00. We purchased a Pocket Microscope($13.95) several years ago from Home Science Tools. With two AA batteries, and three zoom levels (60X, 80X, 100X) this little microscope can help even a 2 year old explore the world around them. A…
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Editor in Chief
My last review I shared about my search for a grammar text that would finish our study of grammar. I found Our Mother Tongue, and I am pleased with the way it teaches grammar. But, it doesn’t include sentence mechanics. (There is an appendix for the topic, but I don’t find it adequate.) It doesn’t address topics such as where…
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Spellquizzer is spelling software that gives you a break while helping your children learn their spelling words. This software can be adapted to your current spelling lists or you can find sample and full spelling lists to use on this program. There is a section that allows you to share spelling lists with other homeschoolers as well. Whether using your own spelling and vocabulary lists, downloading news…
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Louis Braille, The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind
There were just a few more pages to turn when it happened. My voice froze and I felt the tears pushing. My son grinned knowingly, “Mom’s going to cry.” It doesn’t happen very often, but literature gets me the most often. And biographies. Biographies can be just too inspirational for me to maintain my composure. I picked up a copy…
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Time4Learning Preschool Give-away!
Time4Learning has graciously allowed us to give-away one subscription of their newest product for preschoolers. The preschool learning games and activities combines technology, animated characters, original stories and fun music to inspire a love of learning in the littlest e-learners. Ed Mouse and his friends guide children through more than forty topics such as numbers, letters, rhymes, self, time, music…
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Time4Learning Web-Based Curriculum
When I first found out I was going to review this product, I was excited. Since my boy’s love to play on their (non internet) computer with their educational games, I thought this would be great to try out. In the past we looked into different curriculum that offered computer learning and we currently use a (non-internet) computer program for…
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Daily GRAMS-Junior High/Senior High Level
Daily GRAMS (Guided Review Aiding Mastery Skills) This is one of those simple ideas that I love as a review in our weekly schedule. We thoroughly covered grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence writing in our grammar and logic stage years (grades 4-8). As high school students, they no longer needed a full-blown language arts program, but I also didn’t want…
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Winter Promise American Story 1 Curriculum Review
Winter Promise (WP) is a provider of complete curriculum packages (excepting math and often science, depending on the program). Their philosophy is primarily Charlotte Mason with an emphasis on living books, narration, timelines, and historical fiction read alouds. One main difference from other similar curriculum providers is the addition of hands-on projects, paper crafts and notebooking pages. American Story 1…
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