I bet many of you are familiar with Considering God’s Creation by Susan Mortimer as a science curriculum, but have you also heard of her history curricula, Remembering God’s Awesome Acts and Remembering God’s Chosen Children? Of the two history books, I’ve only used Remembering God’s Awesome Acts, so it’s the one I’ll review here. But, as much as I…
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Catholic Mosaic by Hillside Education
Catholic Mosiac is published by Hillside Education, intended for K-4th grade, though it has been my experience that these picture book suggestions are so well loved they are part of my families traditional yearly celebration of the liturgical year. Young and older alike will look forward to reading or listening to such classics a: Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Match…
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Careers Units for Kids – Wanna Be’s Review
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question most children love to answer. Those answers change many times through the years. When I came across a sale for the Wanna Be series from The Old Schoolhouse, which are unit studies about different careers, I grabbed my debit card and ordered. We love unit studies and…
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Language of God Grammar Series from Catholic Heritage Curricula
Language arts covers such a dizzying array of subjects — from spelling to composition, from grammar to vocabulary, just to name a few. While, for whatever reason, we have gone primarily with secular sources for much of our language arts materials, we happily use Language of God for Little Folks from Catholic Heritage Curricula for grammar instruction. The Language of…
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High School @ Home, You Can Do It! by Diana Johnson
When I started homeschooling over 6 years ago, one of the questions that people asked me was, “What about high school?” I remember quite distinctly thinking that the question was ridiculous given that my oldest child was then going into first grade. Alas, children grow up all too quickly. Now my oldest child is going into 7th grade next year…
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Reading A-Z.com
We started our official reading adventure this year with reading a-z.com! Right off the bat, I loved the full scope of curriculum the website offers: the website is comprehensive to say the least. No matter where you are starting out, just about anybody who needs an elementary language arts addition to their schooling can benefit from reading a-z.com. There is…
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Resource for Catholic Families
Angie and I have been working together to create a resource for Catholic Homeschoolers like none other. It is a toolbar that sits at the top of your computer and guides you to some of the best Catholic sites and blogs available to Catholic families. The toolbar itself has many components that are geared towards families, but it also has…
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Institute for Excellence in Writing: TWSS
Institute For Excellence in Writing- Teaching Writing: Structure and Style DVDs By Andrew Pudewa Feeling Empowered as a Parent/Teacher Many of my blog readers have been asking me to write a review of Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) for a long time. I have hesitated to write the review since we are still very much a work in progress…
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Teaching Grammar With Playful Poems
When I taught school outside my home it was all the rage to teach grammar through writing. While grading the students papers I made notes on the grammar I thought they needed to learn and then used the grammar textbook to teach grammar in mini ten minute lessons three times a week. Overall, I didn’t feel very successful, but I…
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Lessons in Responsibility for Boys
Boys are curious creatures if you ask me. One day I think I’ve got mothering boys down, and the next day I realize I have no clue! They want different things than girls – they need different things than girls. One thing I’ve seen in both of my boys, as compared to my daughter, is the need for independence. They…
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